J. Wardenier

108 records found

In this study, existing deformation limits are first re-examined to investigate if they can be rationally extended to high strength steel circular hollow section (CHS) joints that are subjected to in-plane bending (IPB) moment. It is pointed out that existing deformation limits, ...
Within the research framework for updating the international design standard ISO 14346 for hollow section joints, this study examines brace failure and chord sidewall failure in full-width rectangular hollow section (RHS) X and T joints under brace axial tension, brace in-plane b ...
It is well known that the current design rules adopted by international design codes such as ISO 14346 and design guides, e.g., the CIDECT design guide No. 3, for chord sidewall failure in mild steel rectangular hollow section (RHS) joints under brace axial compression are consid ...
This paper deals with the evaluation of fatigue cracks under a concentrated compression (wheel) load in an I-section with full penetration welds between the web and flange. The objective is to investigate whether cracks stop or nearly stop when they have grown through the residua ...
This paper deals with revised, simplified, consistent equations for plate-to-Circular Hollow Section (CHS) joints for inclusion in codes. After a short review of the background to these resistance equations in the current consolidated version of EN 1993-1-8 and those in ISO 14346 ...
For the detemiination of the chord tensile stress effect for K joints, besides the data from isolated tests, also the results of four lattice girders were used. However, one K joint of a girder showed a rather low result which could not be explained without further detailed analy ...
This paper is part of an evaluation of fatigue cracks in a crane runway girder with full penetration welds between the web and flange. The fatigue analysis of this actual crane runway girder is described in [1]. The investigation described in this paper deals with additional expe ...
This paper deals with the evaluation of fatigue cracks in a box type radial crane runway girder with full penetration welds between the web and flange. After 20 years of service fatigue cracks were observed which were initiated in the flange at the toe of the full penetration wel ...
This paper deals with a proposal to revise the effective width terms in the brace shear criterion for overlap joints in rectangular hollow sections (RHS). The background to the design equations in ISO 14346 for the failure modes, brace effective width, chord M-N interaction and b ...