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RS Puthli
Academic Work (10)
Book (3)
Book chapter (2)
Conference paper (3)
Journal article (2)
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10 records found
Conference paper (2012) -
J Wardenier (author)
RS Puthli (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Anschlusse mit Hohlprofilen nach DIN EN 1993-1-8; Hintergrund, Kommentare, Beispiele
Book chapter (2011) -
RS Puthli (author)
T Ummenhofer (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
I Pertermann (author)
Korrekturvorschlage fur die DIN EN 1993-1-8 zum Thema Hohlprofilanschlusse
Journal article (2011) -
J. Wardenier (author)
RS Puthli (author)
FE analysis for welded hollow-section joints and bolted joints
Journal article (2010) -
GJ van der Vegte (author)
J. Wardenier (author)
RS Puthli (author)
Evaluation of numerical investigations on static behaviour of slender RHS K-gap joints
Conference paper (2010) -
O Fleischer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
J Wardenier (author)
An overview of finite element strategies for predicting the static strength of tubular connections
Conference paper (2003) -
RS Puthli (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Guia de disesno para nudos soldados de perfiles tubulares circulares y rectangulares sometidos a solicktaciones de fatiga
Book (2003) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
RS Puthli (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Assemblages soudes de profils creux circulaires et rectangulaires sous chargement en fatigue
Book (2002) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Geschweisste Anschluesse von runden und rechteckigen Hohlprofilen unter Ermuedigungsbelastiung
Book (2002) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Design guide for circular and rectangular hollow section welded joints under fatique loading
Book chapter (2000) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)