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G Sedlacek
Academic Work (12)
Book (4)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (4)
Journal article (2)
Report (1)
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12 records found
Conference paper (2009) -
Frans S.K. Bijlaard (author)
F.S.K. Bijlaard (author)
Frans Bijlaard (author)
FSK Bijlaard (author)
M Feldmann (author)
J Naumes (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Journal article (2009) -
Frans S.K. Bijlaard (author)
F.S.K. Bijlaard (author)
Frans Bijlaard (author)
FSK Bijlaard (author)
M Feldmann (author)
J Naumes (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Eurocode 3 Part 1-10: choice of material to avoid brittle fracture
Conference paper (2008) -
Frans S.K. Bijlaard (author)
F.S.K. Bijlaard (author)
FSK Bijlaard (author)
Frans Bijlaard (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
C Mueller (author)
Eurocode 3 part 2: Design of steel bridges
Conference paper (2008) -
G Sedlacek (author)
Frans S.K. Bijlaard (author)
F.S.K. Bijlaard (author)
FSK Bijlaard (author)
Frans Bijlaard (author)
C Mueller (author)
Book (2008) -
G Sedlacek (author)
M Feldmann (author)
S Munstermann (author)
J Brozetti (author)
J Raoul (author)
R Pope (author)
FSK Bijlaard (author)
F.S.K. Bijlaard (author)
Frans S.K. Bijlaard (author)
Frans Bijlaard (author)
B Kuhn (author)
D Tschickardt (author)
S Hohler (author)
C Müller (author)
W Hensen (author)
N Stranghoner (author)
W Dahl (author)
P Langenberg (author)
Guia de disesno para nudos soldados de perfiles tubulares circulares y rectangulares sometidos a solicktaciones de fatiga
Book (2003) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
RS Puthli (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
J Wardenier (author)
J. Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Unified European design rules for steel and composite structures
Journal article (2003) -
FSK Bijlaard (author)
Frans Bijlaard (author)
Frans S.K. Bijlaard (author)
F.S.K. Bijlaard (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
C Mueller (author)
H Trumpf (author)
Development of unified design rules for steel sheet piles for introduction into Eurocode 3, part 5
Report (2002) -
DA Kort (author)
AF Van Tol (author)
AF van Tol (author)
A.F. van Tol (author)
A. F. van Tol (author)
Frits van Tol (author)
A. F. Van Tol (author)
Frits Van Tol (author)
A.F. Van Tol (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
R Hartmann-Linden (author)
A Schmitt (author)
M Meyrer (author)
Assemblages soudes de profils creux circulaires et rectangulaires sous chargement en fatigue
Book (2002) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
J Wardenier (author)
J. Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Geschweisste Anschluesse von runden und rechteckigen Hohlprofilen unter Ermuedigungsbelastiung
Book (2002) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
J Wardenier (author)
J. Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Injection bolts to repair old bridges
Conference paper (2000) -
A.M. Gresnigt (author)
Nol Gresnigt (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
M Paschen (author)
Design guide for circular and rectangular hollow section welded joints under fatique loading
Book chapter (2000) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
J Wardenier (author)
J. Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)