B.J.A. Huisman

17 records found

Prediction of the shoreline response behind offshore breakwaters is essential for coastal protection projects. Due to the complexity of the processes behind the breakwaters (e.g., wave diffraction, currents, longshore transport), detailed modelling needs high computational effort ...
With large-scale human interventions and climate change unfolding as they are now, coastal changes at decadal timescales are not limited to incremental modifications of systems that are fixed in their general geometry, but often show significant changes in layout that may be cata ...
Tide and waves redistribute sediment that is placed at the coast. This holds especially for a large-scale nourishment like the Sand Motor. However, not all of these sand grains are transported at the same pace. Fine grains typically move much faster than the coarse grains, but th ...

On the redistribution and sorting of sand at nourishments

Field evidence and modelling of transport processes and bed composition change

Increasingly large sand nourishments are used for the maintenance of sandy coasts around the world. There is, however, still very limited understanding of their behaviour (i.e. redistribution) and effects on the marine environment. This PhD thesis explores the morphological resha ...
Shoreface nourishments are commonly applied for coastal maintenance, but their behaviour is not well understood. Bathymetric data of 19 shoreface nourishments located at alongshore uniform sections of the Dutch coast were therefore analyzed and used to validate an efficient metho ...
The behaviour of subtidal sandbars can be strongly influenced by the introduction of sand nourishments in the coastal system. This study focuses on the impact of nourishments on subtidal bar behaviour at spatio-temporal scales beyond a single nourishment project. It aims to deter ...
Namhangjin beach is protected by multiple submerged breakwaters (SBWs) which were built to protect the ~4 km long sandy beach. A coastline model (UNIBEST) was used to investigate the long term effect of the SBW structures on the beach. The model computes long-term shoreline chang ...
Large perturbations in the coastline, such as the 'Sand Motor' nourishment (∼21 million m3) at the Holland coast, can initiate considerable spatial and temporal changes in the median grain size (D50) of the sea bed on the lower shoreface. The relevance of hy ...
Mega-nourishments, aiming at providing long-term coastal safety, nature qualities and recreational space, have been applied recently at the Holland coast and are considered at various other places in the world. Methods to quickly evaluate the potential and lifetime of these coast ...
Sand nourishments are presently widely applied to maintain or enhance coastal safety and beach width. Over the last decades, global sand nourishment volumes have increased greatly, and the demand for nourishments is anticipated to increase further in coming decades due to sea lev ...
The presence of complex nearshore sand bar patterns (i.e. alongshore bathymetric variability) has an impact on local currents, affecting recreational safety and nearshore mixing processes. This study assesses the evolution of alongshore bathymetric variability along the Delfland ...
Impact of spatial variability in the nearshore bathymetry on net sediment transport rates has been investigated for a selection of observed beach states at the Dutch coast. The beach states comprise a longshore bar trough and two transverse bar rip situations, which were present ...
Bed sediment composition, with a focus on the median grain size D50, was investigated at a large-scale nourishment (The ‘Sand Motor’) at the Dutch coast (∼21.5 million m3 sand). Considerable alongshore heterogeneity of the bed composition (D50) wa ...