B.J.A. Huisman

3 records found

Modelling shoreline evolution in the vicinity of shore normal structures

Implementation and validation of ShorelineS model using the case study of Constanta, Romania

While waves are propagating towards the shore and are interrupted by an obstacle like a groyne, they will turn around the tip into the sheltered region of the groyne. This sheltered region is called the shadow zone and contains a reduced wave climate. The turning of the waves is ...
In the field of coastal engineering computational models are a commonly used tool to gain insight in dynamics of a coastal system, to gain insight in or hindcast the historical development or can be used as engineering tool to assess the efficiency and consequences of a proposed ...

Wave dynamics behind a shore-normal breakwater

Towards better understanding and modelling of coastal impacts at sandy coasts

Shore-normal breakwaters are constructed in coastal zones both for beach protection (erosion reduction) and port development (wave sheltering). These breakwaters have an effect on the waves, the (wave-driven) currents and hence, the sediment transport along the coast. The waves a ...