A.E. Wolters

3 records found

Guiding the specification of sociotechnical Machine Learning systems

Addressing vulnerabilities and challenges in Machine Learning practice

There is a need for a more comprehensive sociotechnical systems view on ML. Such a view looks at the development and use of an ML system in practice as being a sociotechnical ML system: "a system consisting of technical artefacts, human agents and institutions, in which a machine ...
Large-scale electron microscopy (EM) allows analysis of both tissues and macromolecules in a semi-automated manner, but acquisition rate forms a bottleneck. We reasoned that a negative bias potential may be used to enhance signal collection, allowing shorter dwell times and thus ...
The authors present the application of a retarding field between the electron objective lens and sample in an integrated fluorescence and electron microscope. The retarding field enhances signal collection and signal strength in the electron microscope. This is beneficial for sam ...