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FAST-EM array tomography:

A workflow for multibeam volume electron microscopy

Elucidating the 3D nanoscale structure of tissues and cells is essential for understanding the complexity of biological processes. Electron microscopy (EM) offers the resolution needed for reliable interpretation, but the limited throughput of electron microscopes has hindered it ...

Recent advances in electron microscopy techniques have led to a significant scale up in volumetric imaging of biological tissue. The throughput of electron microscopes, however, remains a limiting factor for the volume that can be imaged in high resolution within reasonable ti ...

Integrated Array Tomography

Development and Applications of a Workflow for 3D Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

Multi-modal imaging techniques have become essential for better understanding fundamental questions in cell biology such as disease progression. While individual microscopy methods have rapidly advanced in recent years, the information content of any one imaging technique is limi ...

Volume electron microscopy (EM) of biological systems has grown exponentially in recent years due to innovative large-scale imaging approaches. As a standalone imaging method, however, large-scale EM typically has two major limitations: slow rates of acquisition and the diffic ...

Detailed knowledge of biological structure has been key in understanding biology at several levels of organisation, from organs to cells and proteins. Volume electron microscopy (volume EM) provides high resolution 3D structural information about tissues on the nanometre scale ...

Large-scale electron microscopy (EM) allows analysis of both tissues and macromolecules in a semi-automated manner, but acquisition rate forms a bottleneck. We reasoned that a negative bias potential may be used to enhance signal collection, allowing shorter dwell times and th ...

The authors present the application of a retarding field between the electron objective lens and sample in an integrated fluorescence and electron microscope. The retarding field enhances signal collection and signal strength in the electron microscope. This is beneficial for ...

In the past decades, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) methods have evolved from being mostly used by a few pioneering, specialist labs to a collection of techniques and workflows practiced by a broad group of researchers in structural biology. In most cases, CLEM ...