C. Joo
70 records found
Continuous biosensing provides real-time information about biochemical processes and holds great potential for health monitoring. Aptamers have emerged as promising alternatives over traditional biorecognition elements. However, the underlying aptamer-target binding interactions
Argonaute proteins are the central effectors of RNA-guided RNA silencing pathways in eukaryotes, playing crucial roles in gene repression and defense against viruses and transposons. Eukaryotic Argonautes are subdivided into two clades: AGOs generally facilitate miRNA- or siRNA-m
In a recent publication in Nature, Motone et al. report the development of a protein sequencing method using nanopores that enables the reading of long protein strands. This method allows for multi-pass re-reading and can detect single amino acid substitutions as well as post-tra
At the core of molecular biology lies the intricate interplay between sequence, structure, and function. Single-molecule techniques provide in-depth dynamic insights into structure and function, but laborious assays impede functional screening of large sequence libraries. We intr
Understanding the structure of biomolecules is vital for deciphering their roles in biological systems. Single-molecule techniques have emerged as alternatives to conventional ensemble structure analysis methods for uncovering new biology in molecular dynamics and interaction stu
Proteins are the primary functional actors of the cell. While proteoform diversity is known to be highly biologically relevant, current protein analysis methods are of limited use for distinguishing proteoforms. Mass spectrometric methods, in particular, often provide only ambigu
Climate and justice are interconnected. However, simply raising ethical issues associated with the links between climate change, technology, and health is insufficient. Rather, policies and practices need to consider ethics ahead of time. If it is only added “after the fact,” pol
The inherent properties of 2D materials—light mass, high out-of-plane flexibility, and large surface area—promise great potential for precise and accurate nanomechanical mass sensing, but their application is often hampered by surface contamination. Here we demonstrate a tri-laye
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a photophysical phenomenon that has been repurposed as a biophysical tool to measure nanometer distances. With FRET by DNA eXchange, or FRET X, many points of interest (POIs) in a single object can be probed, overcoming a major lim
Exploring molecular biology in sequence space
The road to next-generation single-molecule biophysics
Next-generation sequencing techniques have led to a new quantitative dimension in the biological sciences. In particular, integrating sequencing techniques with biophysical tools allows sequence-dependent mechanistic studies. Using the millions of DNA clusters that are generated
Nanomechanical resonator devices are widely used as ultrasensitive mass detectors for fundamental studies and practical applications. The resonance frequency of the resonators shifts when a mass is loaded, which is used to estimate the mass. However, the shift signal is often blu
Single-molecule FRET is a versatile tool to study nucleic acids and proteins at the nanometer scale. However, currently, only a couple of FRET pairs can be reliably measured on a single object, which makes it difficult to apply single-molecule FRET for structural analysis of biom
Small RNA-directed DNA elimination
The molecular mechanism and its potential for genome editing
Transposable elements have both detrimental and beneficial effects on their host genome. Tetrahymena is a unicellular eukaryote that deals with transposable elements in a unique way. It has a separate somatic and germline genome in two nuclei in a single cell. During sexual repro
Single-cell profiling methods have had a profound impact on the understanding of cellular heterogeneity. While genomes and transcriptomes can be explored at the single-cell level, single-cell profiling of proteomes is not yet established. Here we describe new single-molecule prot
FRET-based dynamic structural biology
Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices
Single-molecule FRET (smFRET) has become a mainstream technique for studying biomolecular structural dynamics. The rapid and wide adoption of smFRET experiments by an ever- increasing number of groups has generated significant progress in sample preparation, measurement procedure
Localization microscopy offers resolutions down to a single nanometer but currently requires additional dedicated hardware or fiducial markers to reduce resolution loss from the drift of the sample. Drift estimation without fiducial markers is typically implemented using redundan
Author Correction
MRNA structural dynamics shape Argonaute-target interactions (Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, (2020), 27, 9, (790-801), 10.1038/s41594-020-0461-1)
In the version of this article initially published, the data in Fig. 6h and Extended Data Fig. 6j were incorrect due to errors in the simulation code. The correct figures are shown below. The Fig. 6h caption has been updated to “Arrows indicate unmasking time of the best fit.”, a
Completing the canvas
Advances and challenges for DNA-PAINT super-resolution imaging
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) is a potent tool to examine biological systems with unprecedented resolution, enabling the investigation of increasingly smaller structures. At the forefront of these developments is DNA-based point accumulation for imaging in nanosc
Clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins, particularly Cas9, have provided unprecedented control on targeting and editing specific DNA sequences. If the target sequences are prone to folding into noncanonical secondary stru