Valla Fatemi

10 records found


Fluxons in a superconducting loop can be coherently coupled by quantum phase slips occurring at a weak link such as a Josephson junction. If Cooper pair tunneling at the junction occurs through a resonant level, then 2π quantum phase slips are suppressed, and fluxons are predo ...

Josephson elements are cornerstones of cryogenic classical and quantum superconducting technology, owing to their nonlinearity. Two important types of Josephson elements are often considered distinct: the tunnel junction (superconductor-insulator-superconductor, SIS) and the n ...

The multi-terminal Josephson effect allows DC supercurrent to flow at finite commensurate voltages. Existing proposals to realize this effect rely on nonlocal Andreev processes in superconductor-normal-superconductor junctions. However, this approach requires precise control o ...

Electrostatic charging affects the many-body spectrum of Andreev states, yet its influence on their microwave properties has not been elucidated. We developed a circuit quantum electrodynamics probe that, in addition to transition spectroscopy, measures the microwave susceptib ...

We introduce Weyl Josephson circuits: small Josephson junction circuits that simulate Weyl band structures. We first formulate a general approach to design circuits that are analogous to Bloch Hamiltonians of a desired dimensionality and symmetry class. We then construct and a ...

Author Correction

Continuous monitoring of a trapped superconducting spin (Nature Physics, (2020), 16, 11, (1103-1107), 10.1038/s41567-020-0952-3)

In this Letter the following original sentence has been amended for clarity: “As the Kramers theorem does not hold in the presence of a non-zero weak-link phase bias φ, the splitting of the spin states requires an additional ingredient.”; it has been changed to: “Although the ...

Two promising architectures for solid-state quantum information processing are based on electron spins electrostatically confined in semiconductor quantum dots and the collective electrodynamic modes of superconducting circuits. Superconducting electrodynamic qubits involve ma ...

Readout and control of electrostatically confined electrons in semiconductors are key primitives of quantum information processing with solid-state spin qubits1,2. In superconductor–semiconductor heterostructures, localized electronic modes known as Andreev levels r ...

With the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers turn to online conferencing. While posing new challenges, this format also brings multiple advantages. We argue that virtual conferences will become part of our regular scientific communication and invite community m ...


Superconducting quantum circuits came out as promising candidates for the exploration of topological phenomena that are currently inaccessible in condensed
matter systems. One such circuit is a Cooper pair transistor which has already
been widely studied in different regi ...