Josephson tunnel junction arrays and Andreev weak links

what’s the difference?

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Josephson elements are cornerstones of cryogenic classical and quantum superconducting technology, owing to their nonlinearity. Two important types of Josephson elements are often considered distinct: the tunnel junction (superconductor-insulator-superconductor, SIS) and the normal weak link (superconductor-normal-superconductor, SNS) referring to any non-superconducting and non-insulating central region. SNS junctions and SIS junctions have appeared in related technological and basic science contexts over the last decade. In this perspective article, we review correspondences between SISIS junctions and SNS junctions in limiting regimes, in which a single, general energy-phase relationship describes the systems. We show how this insight helped to connect recent bodies of theoretical and experimental work in both systems. We conclude by describing a few important differences that also impact their use in applied contexts.