Luca Braidotti
12 records found
Large cruise ships can carry 10 000 persons onboard, and consequently, survivability of the ship in the event of a flooding accident is essential. Many designers are already conducting advanced damage stability analyses beyond the regulatory requirements. With increased computing
The need for decision support after a flooding casualty requires the development of fast and accurate progressive flooding simulation procedures. Here, a new quasi-static technique is presented, proposing a differential algebraic formulation capable to consider independently the
During a flooding emergency, the master has to take hard decisions with serious impact on passengers and crew safety. A fast and reliable time domain simulation of the progressive flooding process can significantly aid the master in choosing the right counteractions immediately a
The continuous increasing attention to environmental sustainability and air pollution reduction for transport systems, requires not only to adopt new technologies and innovative solutions to limit vehicles emissions, but also to study their life-cycle. In case of inland navigatio
The analysis of time records, coming from seakeeping experiments in irregular waves, is used to determine the occurrence of extreme events. The common procedure used for data analysis is to assume that the statistics of record’s peaks is following two or three parameters Weibull
For the dimensioning of particular structures like stingers or generic tubular elements for offshore industry, it is usual to predict the extreme values of wave induced loads. Both for model test and calculations, the traditionally adopted methods of analysis are based on Weibull
For the natural gas transportation, several technologies can be applied, having different effectiveness and costs depending on the analysed case. The Mediterranean Sea is presenting a typical scenario where compressed natural gas (CNG) transportation is particularly attractive co
To face the design of a new ship concept, the evaluation of multiple feasible solutions concerning several aspects of naval architecture and marine engineering is necessary. Compressed natural gas technologies are in continuous development; therefore, there are no available datab
Nowadays, fuel consumption reduction is a primary concern in order to minimize operative costs and emissions during navigation. On this purpose, ballast management play an important role, in order to find the best configuration for ship navigation. An optimal ballast water distri
To manage the overall design process of complex systems like ships, particular attention has to be deserved to the connections and overlapping between the design stages. Therefore, the paper addresses the complex aspect of quickly moving from concept to preliminary design, so yie
The compressed natural gas (CNG) transport is becoming nowadays an attractive solution not only for stranded gas shipping where current technologies like liquefied natural gas (LNG) and pipelines are not economically competitive, but also for long-enough distance transport of lar
The bucintoro preliminary design
Static and hydrodynamic assessment
The Bucintoro project has been relaunched after years in stand-by under the name of Bucintoro of the Third Millennium . Many contributors from Italy and even from France have accepted the challenge with the purpose of building the modern version of the last Bucintoro burned by Na