Radoslav Nabergoj
13 records found
The Dynamic Positioning system allows a vessel to keep a precise position and heading during stationing operations in a rough sea by using onboard actuators only. During the design phase, it is mandatory to identify the capability of the system actuators to counteract the environ
The importance of comfort during transfer and stationing becomes a key performance parameter for large yacht design, on the same level as propulsive issues. Such a matter extends questions in terms of form and service demand to the motion behaviour of the unit in waves. Relevant
Installation of jacket platforms requires simultaneous and combined operations of multiple assets. When the whole process has to be planned, it is necessary to predict in a fast and reliable way the possible weather limitations that may occur during the operations. The paper will
Determining Dynamic Positioning capability for an offshore vessel is mandatory to identify the environmental forces the system can counteract, together with the operability in a specific operational area of interest. Conventional predictions evaluate the capability as a maximum s
In the offshore industry, the thruster layout for dynamic positioning (DP) is not optimal to reach the maximum station-keeping capability. It is possible to optimise the position of the thrusters since early design stage applying a genetic algorithm-based optimisation procedure.
The execution of the so-called extinction tests represents the classical experimental method used to estimate the damping of an oscillatory system. For the specific case of ship roll motion, the roll decay tests are carried out at model-scale in a hydrodynamic basin. During these
For the operability evaluation of an offshore unit, it is usual to adopt specific working limiting criteria dealing with ship motions and accelerations. These criteria given by operators reflect the ability of the vessel (or crew) to accomplish a precise target in an operative sc
For the dimensioning of particular structures like stingers or generic tubular elements for offshore industry, it is usual to predict the extreme values of wave induced loads. Both for model test and calculations, the traditionally adopted methods of analysis are based on Weibull
During the design process of an offshore vessel, the DP system is not representing one of the primary constraints for the general arrangement of the vessel. Usually the location of the thruster devices is driven by the internal spaces available, i.e. the thrusters position is not
The analysis of time records, coming from seakeeping experiments in irregular waves, is used to determine the occurrence of extreme events. The common procedure used for data analysis is to assume that the statistics of record’s peaks is following two or three parameters Weibull
Minimisation of power consumption is the primary target of the most commonly used procedures and strategies for the capability prediction of DP systems installed on floating objects and, therefore, dealing with an huge amount of limitations or restrictions that should be satisfie
It is a consolidated procedure to investigate vessel station-keeping capability disjoint from her seakeeping qualities during operations at field in storm conditions. This is mainly due to the fact that the station keeping problem is essentially related to surge, sway and yaw mot
To predict the capability of dynamic positioning systems onfl oating o bjects, the existing procedures and strategies are primarily focused on the power consumption minimisation, treating of numerous limitations and conditions that should be satisfied at the same time. On the oth