M. Matthiesen

5 records found


Antiferromagnetic materials feature intrinsic ultrafast spin dynamics, making them ideal candidates for future magnonic devices operating at THz frequencies. A major focus of current research is the investigation of optical methods for the efficient generation of coherent magn ...

In doped manganite systems, strong electronic correlations result in rich phase diagrams where electron delocalization strongly affects the magnetic order. Here, we employ a femtosecond all-optical pump-probe scheme to impulsively photodope the antiferromagnetic parent mangani ...

Van der Waals magnets provide an ideal playground to explore the fundamentals of low-dimensional magnetism and open opportunities for ultrathin spin-processing devices. The Mermin-Wagner theorem dictates that as in reduced dimensions isotropic spin interactions cannot retain l ...

Magnonics is a research field complementary to spintronics, in which the quanta of spin waves (magnons) replace electrons as information carriers, promising lower dissipation1–3. The development of ultrafast, nanoscale magnonic logic circuits calls for new tools and ...

In bilayers of ferromagnets and heavy metals, which form the so-called spintronic emitters, the phenomena of ultrafast demagnetization and the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) conspire to yield remarkably efficient emission of electric pulses in the THz band. Light-induced dema ...