A. V. Kimel

6 records found


Resonant ultrafast excitation of infrared-active phonons is a powerful technique with which to control the electronic properties of materials that leads to remarkable phenomena such as the light-induced enhancement of superconductivity1,2, switching of ferroelectric ...

Identifying efficient pathways to control and modify the order parameter of a macroscopic phase in materials is an important ongoing challenge. One way to do this is via the excitation of a high-frequency mode that couples to the order, and this is the ultimate goal of the fie ...

Magnonics is a research field complementary to spintronics, in which the quanta of spin waves (magnons) replace electrons as information carriers, promising lower dissipation1–3. The development of ultrafast, nanoscale magnonic logic circuits calls for new tools and ...

The microscopic origin of ultrafast modification of the ratio between the symmetric (J) and antisymmetric (D) exchange interaction in antiferromagnetic iron oxides is revealed, using femtosecond laser excitation as a pump and terahertz emission spectroscopy as a probe. By tuni ...

Time-resolved magneto-optical imaging reveals that the dynamics of the helicity-dependent all-optical switching (HD-AOS) of Co/Pt ferromagnetic multilayers occurs on the time scales from nanoseconds to seconds. We find HD-AOS proceeds by two stages. First, for an optimized las ...

Excitation of antiferromagnetic HoFeO3 with a single 80 fs laser pulse triggers a first-order spin-reorientation phase transition. In the ultrafast kinetics of the transition one can distinguish the processes of impulsive excitation of spin precession, nucleation of ...