12 records found

Extended quantum networks are based on quantum repeaters that often rely on the distribution of entanglement in an efficient and heralded fashion over multiple network nodes. Many repeater architectures require multiplexed sources of entangled photon pairs, multiplexed quantum me ...
Solid-state single-photon emitters provide a versatile platform for exploring quantum technologies such as optically connected quantum networks. A key challenge is to ensure the optical coherence and spectral stability of the emitters. Here, we introduce a high-bandwidth ‘check-p ...
Rare-earth ion-doped crystals are of great interest for quantum memories, a central component in future quantum repeaters. To assess the promise of 1 % Tm 3+-doped yttrium gallium garnet (Tm:YGG), we report measurements of optical coherence and energy-lev ...
The creation of well-understood structures using spectral hole burning is an important task in the use of technologies based on rare-earth ion-doped crystals. We apply a series of different techniques to model and improve the frequency dependent population change in the atomic le ...
A future quantum network will allow distributing entanglement over in principle arbitrarily long distances. This topic holds importance for applications in quantum information science as well as for fundamental investigations, and currently receives significant attention around t ...
Here, we discuss our experimental efforts toward building an alignment-free, long-lived, and efficient cavity-enhanced quantum memory in a thulium-doped crystal. A significant step forward for creating efficient quantum memories with long optical storage times.@en
In this work, we fabricate a multimode quantum memory out of a thulium-doped crystal and demonstrate storage of laser pulses of up to 100 µsec. A significant step forward for creating quantum memories with long optical storage times.@en
Long optical storage times are an essential requirement to establish high-rate entanglement distribution over large distances using memory-based quantum repeaters. Rare earth ion-doped crystals are arguably well-suited candidates for building such quantum memories. Toward this en ...
We argue that long optical storage times are required to establish entanglement at high rates over large distances using memory-based quantum repeaters. Triggered by this conclusion, we investigate the 795.325 nm3 H6↔H34 transition of Tm:Y3Ga5O12 (Tm:YGG). Most importantly, we fi ...
We characterize the magnetic properties for thulium ion energy levels in the (Tm:YGG) lattice with the goal to improve decoherence and reduce linewidth broadening caused by local host spins and crystal imperfections. More precisely, we measure hyperfine tensors for the lowest lev ...
The geometric and dynamic phases have competing effects as far as the scattering of light from an inhomogeneous anisotropic optical medium is concerned. If fine-tuned appropriately, these effects can completely cancel each other for a chosen spin component while having an additiv ...
Quantum communication is a secure way to transfer quantum information and to communicate with legitimate parties over distant places in a network. Although communication over a long distance has already been attained, technical problem arises due to unavoidable loss of informatio ...