W. Tittel
21 records found
Extended quantum networks are based on quantum repeaters that often rely on the distribution of entanglement in an efficient and heralded fashion over multiple network nodes. Many repeater architectures require multiplexed sources of entangled photon pairs, multiplexed quantum me
Rare-earth ion-doped crystals are of great interest for quantum memories, a central component in future quantum repeaters. To assess the promise of 1 % Tm
3+-doped yttrium gallium garnet (Tm:YGG), we report measurements of optical coherence and energy-lev
The creation of well-understood structures using spectral hole burning is an important task in the use of technologies based on rare-earth ion-doped crystals. We apply a series of different techniques to model and improve the frequency dependent population change in the atomic le
Single quantum emitters embedded in solid-state hosts are an ideal platform for realizing quantum information processors and quantum network nodes. Among the currently investigated candidates, Er3+ ions are particularly appealing due to their 1.5 μm optical transition in the tele
Here, we discuss our experimental efforts toward building an alignment-free, long-lived, and efficient cavity-enhanced quantum memory in a thulium-doped crystal. A significant step forward for creating efficient quantum memories with long optical storage times.@en
The forthcoming quantum Internet is poised to allow new applications not possible with the conventional Internet. The ability for both quantum and conventional networking equipment to coexist on the same fiber network would facilitate the deployment and adoption of coming quantum
In this work, we fabricate a multimode quantum memory out of a thulium-doped crystal and demonstrate storage of laser pulses of up to 100 µsec. A significant step forward for creating quantum memories with long optical storage times.@en
Author Correction
Long-range QKD without trusted nodes is not possible with current technology (npj Quantum Information, (2022), 8, 1, (108), 10.1038/s41534-022-00613-4)
The original version of this Article contained errors in the Competing interests statement and Table 1 and incorrectly omitted the Acknowledgements section. The original Competing interests statement reported no competing interests for the authors; this has been corrected to “B.H
Long optical storage times are an essential requirement to establish high-rate entanglement distribution over large distances using memory-based quantum repeaters. Rare earth ion-doped crystals are arguably well-suited candidates for building such quantum memories. Toward this en
We characterize the magnetic properties for thulium ion energy levels in the (Tm:YGG) lattice with the goal to improve decoherence and reduce linewidth broadening caused by local host spins and crystal imperfections. More precisely, we measure hyperfine tensors for the lowest lev
We characterize the optical coherence and energy-level properties of the 795-nm H63 to H43 transition of Tm3+ in a Ti4+:LiNbO3 waveguide at temperatures as low as 0.65 K. Coherence properties are measured with varied temperature, magnetic field, optical excitation power and wavel
We argue that long optical storage times are required to establish entanglement at high rates over large distances using memory-based quantum repeaters. Triggered by this conclusion, we investigate the 795.325 nm3 H6↔H34 transition of Tm:Y3Ga5O12 (Tm:YGG). Most importantly, we fi
Entangled photon pair sources are essential for applications such as quantum communication and metrology. Here we present a compact energy–time entangled photon pair source at telecom wavelengths realized through cascaded second harmonic generation and spontaneous parametric down
Entangling quantum systems with different characteristics through the exchange of photons is a prerequisite for building future quantum networks. Proving the presence of entanglement between quantum memories for light working at different wavelengths furthers this goal. Here, we
Long-lived sub-levels of the electronic ground-state manifold of rare-earth ions in crystals can be used as atomic population reservoirs for photon echo-based quantum memories. We measure the dynamics of the Zeeman sublevels of erbium ions that are doped into a lithium niobate wa
We design and implement an atomic frequency comb quantum memory for 793-nm wavelength photons using a monolithic cavity based on a thulium- (Tm-) doped Y3Al5O12 crystal. Approximate impedance matching results in the absorption of 90% of input photons and a memory efficiency of (2
The race of distributing provable-secure encryption keys by means of quantum key distribution over ever-increasing distances is on. A surprising development has now led to a new result that may affect how we build future quantum networks.@en
The possibility for quantum and classical communication to coexist on the same fiber is important for deployment and widespread adoption of quantum key distribution (QKD) and, more generally, a future quantum internet. While coexistence has been demonstrated for different QKD imp
Large-scale fiber-based quantum networks will likely employ telecommunication-wavelength photons of around 1550 nm wavelength to exchange quantum information between remote nodes, and quantum memories, ideally operating at the same wavelength, that allow the transmission distance