B.T. Sterke

7 records found

People fall more often when their gait stability is reduced. Gait stability can be directly manipulated by exerting forces or moments onto a person, ranging from simple walking sticks to complex wearable robotics. A systematic review of the literature was performed to determine: ...
Traditional wheelchairs are pushed from behind the occupant, which hinders eye contact and communication. It was proposed that the wheelchair be pushed from the side using a push bar to place the caregiver beside the occupant. However, this method requires the caregiver to exert ...
Falling is a major cause of morbidity, and is often caused by a decrease in postural stability. A key component of postural stability is whole-body centroidal angular momentum, which can be influenced by control moment gyroscopes. In this proof-of-concept study, we explore the in ...
One important aspect of gait stability is the control of whole-body centroidal angular momentum H. We recently showed that if sensory-motor impairments affect a person's balance control, control of H can be assisted by control moment gyroscopes (CMGs). However, the effect of CMG ...
Weakness of the hip abduction muscles can result in a gait disorder named Trendelenburg gait, which can lead to problems in the hip joint, knees, and ankles. In this paper, the conceptual design of a compliant hip orthosis to prevent Trendelenburg gait is presented. A theoretical ...
During gait neurorehabilitation, many factors influence the quality of gait patterns, particularly the chosen body-weight support (BWS) device. Consequently, robotic BWS devices play a key role in gait rehabilitation of people with neurological disorders. The device transparency, ...
To affect functional relevant task-space gait parameters such as foot placement or progression angle, conventional lower-limb robotic gait rehabilitation devices require active control and synchronization of their actuators. As an alternative, we propose the use of gyroscopic act ...