Self-induced Gyroscopic Torques in Lower Extremities During Gait
A Pilot Study
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To affect functional relevant task-space gait parameters such as foot placement or progression angle, conventional lower-limb robotic gait rehabilitation devices require active control and synchronization of their actuators. As an alternative, we propose the use of gyroscopic actuators, portable actuators that have the ability to generate torques that are caused by and therefore intrinsically synchronized with the swing motion of the legs. Here we investigate the kinematic and kinetic effects at hip-joint level of self-induced gyroscopic torques of a shank-worn gyroscopic actuator. Preliminary results show the wearer’s swing leg motion can induce gyroscopic effects that significantly alter the kinematics of the hip-joint (p< 0.05 ) for both tested conditions in hip-joint endo/exo rotation and ab/ad-duction.
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