M. Leeuwenhoek

6 records found

A reduction of the interprobe distance in multiprobe and double-tip scanning tunneling microscopy to the nanometer scale has been a longstanding and technically difficult challenge. Recent multiprobe systems have allowed for significant progress by achieving distances of ~30 nm u ...
A double-tip scanning tunneling microscope with nanometer-scale tip separation has the ability to access the single-electron Green's function in real and momentum spaces based on second-order tunneling processes. Experimental realization of such measurements has been limited to q ...
Transport experiments in twisted bilayer graphene have revealed multiple superconducting domes separated by correlated insulating states1–5. These properties are generally associated with strongly correlated states in a flat mini-band of the hexagonal moiré superlattic ...
We have imaged the current noise with atomic resolution in a Josephson scanning tunneling microscope with a Pb-Pb junction. By measuring the current noise as a function of applied bias, we reveal the change from single-electron tunneling above the superconducting gap energy to do ...
We report on the fabrication and performance of a new kind of tip for scanning tunneling microscopy. By fully incorporating a metallic tip on a silicon chip using modern micromachining and nanofabrication techniques, we realize so-called smart tips and show the possibility of dev ...