M. Ndreko
22 records found
The radial topology of the Multi-terminal High Voltage Direct Current (MTDC) power system is a preferred connection for the gigawatt- renewable power due to its scalability and reliability. However, a radial topology with a metallic return bipolar converter configuration MTDC network possesses technical challenges regarding DC fault current interruption and grid expansion. Furthermore, such HVDC networks are energized in a specific manner, usually involving a separate energizing controller. This paper proposes a design of DC Hubs with direct current circuit breakers (DCCBs) along with a network energization sequence without requiring a separate controller. Additionally, a PI-based controller for post-DC fault circulating current in MTDC's metallic return is proposed. This control operates after DCCB recloses, removing any offset in the metallic cable by regulating the power setpoint in the converters. The proposed control is investigated under a pole-to-ground fault occurrence in the DC Hub. The proposed solution is validated by RSCAD/RTDS@ simulation by applying detailed and average equivalent models of turbines, DCCBs and converters. The results of this simulation show a successful suppression of the DC circulating current, which results in a balanced operation of the MMCs in the post fault steady state conditions.
@enPredictive optimization is based on the principle of m ...
Predictive optimization is based on the principle of minimizing the real power losses, as well the number of On-load Tap Changer (OLTC) operations for daily time horizon (discretized in 24 hours). The mixed-integer nature of the problem and the restricted computing budget is tackled by using an emerging
metaheuristic algorithm called Mean-Variance Mapping Optimization (MVMO). The evolutionary mechanism of MVMO is enhanced by introducing a new mapping function, which improves its global search capability. The effectiveness of MVMO to find solutions that ensure minimum losses, minimum impact on OLTC lifetime, and well as optimal grid code compliance is demonstrated by investigating the case of a real world far-offshore wind power plant with HVDC connection.@en
Offshore wind power plants with VSC-HVDC transmission
Grid code compliance optimization and the effect on high voltage ac transmission system
sustained unbalanced AC faults. It is assumed f ...
sustained unbalanced AC faults. It is assumed for this paper that the protection schemes in the AC transmission network fails. Hence, the unbalanced fault is sustained for a longer time period. In this frame the response of the AC transmission system is observed for two different applied negative sequence current control strategies at the onshore converter station. It is shown that the suppression of the negative sequence current, as it is mainly performed by vendors today or required by TSOs, might lead to difficulties in the detection and the isolation of the line-to-line AC faults. On the other hand, the case of negative sequence current injection proportionally to the negative sequence voltage, improves the ability to detect line-toline faults close to the converter terminals. This paper uses detailed PSCAD/EMTDC time-domain simulations supported
by a linear circuit analysis in the positive, the negative and the zero sequence circuits.@en
Offshore Wind Plants with VSC-HVDC Connection and their Impact on the Power System Stability:
Modeling and Grid Code Compliance
strategy are discussed and mainly the dif ...
strategy are discussed and mainly the difficulty to reach powerreference set-points is stressed. In that context, a knowledge based intelligent controller (namely Fuzzy) is proposed. It is capable of addressing these weaknesses by combining the advantages of the droop controller such as robustness and exceptional ability to compensate for imbalance during contingencies, and the constant active power controller which has the ability to easily reach power set points. In this context, the power dispatch of the HVDC grid converters is achieved without the need to solve before-hand HVDC grid load flow equations where the droop constant is included in the algorithm. The advantages of the new Fuzzy controller is the reduced computational effort, the high degree of flexibility, and the zero percentage error. The efficacy and robustness of the control strategy is demonstrated by means of time domain simulations for a three terminal voltage source converter based offshore HVDC grid system used for the grid connection of large offshore wind power plants.@en
SLG to ground faults in the vicinity of the MMC substation.@en