Natali Helberger
3 records found
Transparent AI Disclosure Obligations
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
Advances in Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) are resulting in AI-generated media output that is (nearly) indistinguishable from human-created content. This can drastically impact users and the media sector, especially given global risks of misinformation. While the current
Recommenders with a Mission
Assessing Diversity in News Recommendations
News recommenders help users to find relevant online content and have the potential to fulfilla crucial role in a democratic society, directing the scarce attention of citizens towards the information that is most important to them. Simultaneously, recent concerns about so-called
We are what we click
Understanding time and content-based habits of online news readers
The article contributes both conceptually and methodologically to the study of online news consumption by introducing new approaches to measuring user information behaviour and proposing a typology of users based on their click behaviour. Using as a case study two online outlets