R.H.M. Huijsmans

98 records found

The paper presents velocity measurements, using particle image velocimetry, as well as a reconstruction of hydrodynamic pressures for the analysis of fast ships. Stereoscopic PIV measurements with a towed underwater PIV system are conducted during towing tank tests to obtain the ...
Wind propulsion for commercial ships has been identified as a key component in the energy transition for the maritime industry. The sailing hybrid ship will operate with leeway (drift) angles to produce a lateral force known as sideforce, for steady operation under sail. In this ...
Flettner rotors are nowadays becoming a widespread solution for wind-assisted propulsion. To increase the fuel savings of the ship on which they are installed, multiple devices are typically used. However, in the performance estimate of these hybrid ships, it is currently assumed ...
A Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes computational fluid dynamics (RANS-CFD) package will be one of the primary tools used during the development of a performance prediction program for wind-assisted commercial ships. This paper describes the simulation verification exercise, perfor ...
The present study describes the application of the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique for the reconstruction of hydrodynamic pressures and loads on a ship model from measured velocity fields during towing tank tests. As an alternative to conventional pressure and force me ...
Small high-speed craft are the most vulnerable to the severity of the sea: achieving a design which pairs good performance and acceptable levels of safety is not a trivial task. The seakeeping and manoeuvrability of these vessels play a crucial role in following sea conditions: d ...
A Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes computational fluid dynamics (RANS-CFD) package will be one of the primary tools used during the development of a performance prediction program for wind-assisted commercial ships. This paper is Part 1 of a two-part series describing the RANS-CFD ...
The Flettner rotor is attracting increasing attention as a viable technology for wind-assisted ship propulsion. Nonetheless, the influence of the Reynolds number on the aerodynamic performance of rotating cylinders is stil ...
The linear relationship between the pressure and the relative wave elevation on the hull surface is a prominent factor to be reconsidered in relation to the uncertainty of the added resistance. An evaluation method is proposed to access the nonlinear relationship between the hull ...
Experiments on a large-scale Flettner rotor were carried out in the boundary-layer test section of Politecnico di Milano wind tunnel. The rotating cylinder used in the experimental campaign (referred to as Delft Rotor) had a diameter of 1.0 m and span of 3.73 m. The Delft Rotor w ...
The manoeuvring characteristics of high speed craft are greatly influenced by the hydrodynamic loads generated by the asymmetrical underwater hull shape when the vessel heels. In order to provide an insight into this aspect of the manoeuvring of high speed craft, captive model ex ...
Simulating the hydrodynamics of deformable, floating structures using a partitioned strategy poses a major challenge when the ratio of the added mass to the structural mass is considerate. Existing computational procedures for fluid-structure interaction become less efficient or ...
In this paper, the use of an absorbing boundary condition (ABC) is investigated for the numerical simulation of free surface water waves. An enhanced type of an ABC based on the first- and second-order Higdon boundary conditions is presented. The numerical implementation of the A ...
In the last forty years wave drift loads have been calculated with methods based on the near-field theory (hull pressure integration, Pinkster [4]) and/or the far field method (linear momentum theory). Both methods use linear theory and through its formulation ignore the ship's h ...
The physical level of interaction between fluid and structure can be either one-way or two-way depending on the direction of information exchange at the interface of fluid and solid. The former can be solved by a partitioned approach and weak coupling. In problems involving two-w ...
The numerical modeling of wave propagation in offshore applications is a formidable challenge even today when we have highly capable numerical schemes and computational power at our disposal. The waves travel in a huge and unbounded domain while the phenomena of interest are only ...
In Heavy Marine Transport, it is common practice to drytransport large and heavy floating offshore structures. In general, loading and discharge of these floating cargoes on- and from heavy transport vessels is done at sheltered locations, like harbors, where sea-state and swell ...
A Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes computational fluid dynamics (RANS-CFD) package will be one of the primary tools used during the development of a performance prediction program for Wind-Assisted commercial ships. The modelling challenge presented by large separated flow structu ...