
A.P. van 't Veer

8 records found

The coupling between heel and the loads in the horizontal plane is usually neglected in manoeuvrability studies. However, the heel–sway and heel–yaw coupling can play an important role in potentially unsafe conditions, such as in a following sea. In these conditions, small fast v ...
Experiments on a large-scale Flettner rotor were carried out in the boundary-layer test section of Politecnico di Milano wind tunnel. The rotating cylinder used in the experimental campaign (referred to as Delft Rotor) had a diameter of 1.0 m and span of 3.73 m. The Delft Rotor w ...
The Flettner rotor is attracting increasing attention as a viable technology for wind-assisted ship propulsion. Nonetheless, the influence of the Reynolds number on the aerodynamic performance of rotating cylinders is stil ...
The present study describes the application of the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique for the reconstruction of hydrodynamic pressures and loads on a ship model from measured velocity fields during towing tank tests. As an alternative to conventional pressure and force me ...
Crew of small fast ships often experiences excessive vertical accelerations when sailing in waves, leading to discomfort and injuries. In an attempt to avoid this, experienced operators reduce speed voluntarily when they anticipate that the next vertical peak acceleration will be ...
The workability of various types of operations offshore are largely affected by waves and wave induced motions. Examples are crew transfer from crew transfer vessels or service operation vessels to offshore wind turbines for maintenance, landing of helicopters in (navy) vessels a ...
In the last forty years wave drift loads have been calculated with methods based on the near-field theory (hull pressure integration, Pinkster [4]) and/or the far field method (linear momentum theory). Both methods use linear theory and through its formulation ignore the ship's h ...