17 records found


Faster and cheaper computers have been constantly demanding technological and architectural improvements. However, current technology is suffering from three technology walls: leakage wall, reliability wall, and cost wall. Meanwhile, existing architecture performance is also satu ...


From Circuits to Compilers

Memristive devices are promising candidates as a complement to CMOS devices. These devices come with several advantages such as non-volatility, high density, good scalability, and CMOS compatibility. They enable in-memory computing paradigms since they can be used for both storin ...


An Open-Source Compiler for Automata Processors

A novel type of hardware accelerators called automata processors (APs) have been proposed to accelerate finite-state automata. The bone structure of an AP is a hierarchical routing matrix that connects many memory arrays. With this structure, an AP can process an input symbol ...

Technological and architectural improvements have been constantly required to sustain the demand of faster and cheaper computers. However, CMOS down-scaling is suffering from three technology walls: leakage wall, reliability wall, and cost wall. On top of that, a performance incr ...

Enhanced Scouting Logic

A Robust Memristive Logic Design Scheme

Memristive devices have the potential to reduce the memory access bottleneck in conventional computer architectures. However, memristive devices also suffer from low endurance and large resistance variation. To address these problems, we present a robust logic scheme named Enhanc ...
Conventional computing architectures and the CMOS technology that they are based on are facing major challenges such as the memory bottleneck making the memory access for data transfer a major killer of energy and performance. Computation-in-memory (CIM) paradigm is seen as a pot ...

Memristor-based Computation-in-Memory (CIM) is one of the emerging architectures for next-generation Big Data problems. Its design requires a radically new synthesis flow as the memristor is a passive device that uses resistances to encode its logic values. This article propos ...

Today's computing architectures suffer from the three well-known bottlenecks, which are the memory, the power and the instruction-level parallelism walls. Emerging non-volatile technologies, such as memristor, enable new resistive architectures that alleviate at least two of such ...
Automata Processor (AP) is a special implementation of non-deterministic finite automata that performs pattern matching by exploring parallel state transitions. The implementation typically contains a hierarchical switching network, causing long latency. This paper proposes a met ...


Computation in Memory SIMuIator

Computation-in-memory reverses the trend in von-Neumann processors by bringing the computation closer to the data, to even within the memory array, as opposed to introducing new memory hierarchies to keep (frequently used) data closer to a central processing unit (CPU). In rec ...

CMOS technology and its continuous scaling have made electronics and computers accessible and affordable for almost everyone on the globe; in addition, they have enabled the solutions of a wide range of societal problems and applications. Today, however, both the technology and t ...
Computation-in-Memory (CiM) is a new computer architecture template based on the in-memory computing paradigm. CiM can solve the memory-wall problem of classical Von Neumann-based computer systems by exploiting application-specific computational and data-flow patterns with the ca ...
Today's computing systems suffer from a memory/communication bottleneck, resulting in high energy consumption and saturated performance. This makes them inefficient in solving data-intensive applications at reasonable cost. Computation-In-Memory (CIM) architecture, based on the i ...

Scouting Logic

A Novel Memristor-Based Logic Design for Resistive Computing

Memristor technology is a promising alternative to CMOS due to its high integration density, near-zero standby power, and ability to implement novel resistive computing. One of the major limitations of these architectures is the limited endurance of memristor devices, especially ...
As today's CMOS technology is scaling down to its physical limits, it suffers from major challenges such as increased leakage power and reduced reliability. Novel technologies, such as memristors, nanotube, and graphene transistors, are under research as alternatives. Among these ...
Memristor-based Computation-in-Memory is one of the emerging architectures proposed to deal with Big Data problems. The design of such architectures requires a radically new automatic design flow because the memristor is a passive device that uses resistance to encode its logic v ...
One of the most important constraints of today’s architectures for data-intensive applications is the limited bandwidth due to the memory-processor communication bottleneck. This significantly impacts performance and energy. For instance, the energy consumption share of communica ...