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H Yamaguchi
Academic Work (8)
Journal article (8)
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8 records found
Observing the semiconducting band-gap alignment of MoS2 layers of different atomic thicknesses using a MoS2/SiO2/Si heterojunction tunnel diode
Journal article (2015) -
K. Nishiguchi (author)
A Castellanos-Gomez (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
A Fujiwara (author)
Herre van der Zant (author)
G. A. Steele (author)
Wide-bandwidth charge sensitivity with a radio-frequency field-effect transistor
Journal article (2013) -
K. Nishiguchi (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
A Fujiwara (author)
HSJ van der Zant (author)
G.A. Steele (author)
Self-sustained oscillations of a torsional SQUID resonator induced by Lorentz-force back-action
Journal article (2013) -
S. Etaki (author)
F Konschelle (author)
IM Blanter (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
H. S.J. van der Zant (author)
Discrete-time quadrature feedback cooling of a radio-frequency mechanical resonator
Journal article (2011) -
M. Poot (author)
S. Etaki (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
H. S.J. Zant (author)
dc SQUIDs as linear displacement detectors for embedded micromechanical resonators
Journal article (2011) -
S. Etaki (author)
M. Poot (author)
K Onomitsu (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
H.S.J. Van Der Zant (author)
Tunable Backaction of a DC SQUID on an Integrated Micromechanical Resonator
Journal article (2010) -
Menno Poot (author)
S. Etaki (author)
I Mahboob (author)
K Onomitsu (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
IM Blanter (author)
H. S.J. van der Zant (author)
Motion detection of a micromechanical resonator embedded in a d.c. squid
Journal article (2008) -
S. Etaki (author)
M. Poot (author)
I Mahboob (author)
K Onomitsu (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)
Herre S.J. Zant (author)
Piezoresistance of suspended InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure nanobeam
Journal article (2007) -
K Yamazaki (author)
S. Etaki (author)
H. S.J. Van der Zant (author)
H Yamaguchi (author)