G.A. Steele
116 records found
Quantum acoustics is an emerging platform for hybrid quantum technologies enabling quantum coherent control of mechanical vibrations. High-overtone bulk acoustic resonators (HBARs) represent an attractive mechanical implementation of quantum acoustics due to their potential for e
It is known that the electromagnetic vacuum is responsible for the Lamb shift, which is a crucial phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics (QED). In circuit QED, the readout or bus resonators that are dispersively coupled can result in a significant Lamb shift of the qubit. However,
Harmonic oscillators belong to the most fundamental concepts in physics and are central to many current research fields such as circuit QED, cavity optomechanics, and photon pressure systems. Here, we engineer a microwave mode in a superconducting LC circuit that mimics the dynam
We demonstrate charge detection with single-electron resolution at high readout frequency using a silicon field-effect transistor (FET) integrated with double resonant circuits. A FET, whose channel of 10-nm width enables a single electron to be detected at room temperature, is c
Quantum materials can display physical phenomena rooted in the geometry of electronic wavefunctions. The corresponding geometric tensor is characterized by an emergent field known as the Berry curvature (BC). Large BCs typically arise when electronic states with different spin, o
Microwave driving is a ubiquitous technique for superconducting qubits, but the dressed states description based on the conventionally used perturbation theory cannot fully capture the dynamics in the strong driving limit. Comprehensive studies beyond these approximations applica
Interactive Textbook. In this open textbook, we explore concepts of sensing, noise, and measurement in the dynamics of open quantum systems.@en
Nonlinear damping, the change in damping rate with the amplitude of oscillations plays an important role in many electrical, mechanical and even biological oscillators. In novel technologies such as carbon nanotubes, graphene membranes or superconducting resonators, the origin of
Microwave cavities are commonly used in many experiments, including optomechanics, magnetic field sensing, magnomechanics, and circuit quantum electrodynamics. Noise, such as variations in the magnetic field or mechanical vibrations, can cause fluctuations of the natural frequenc
Cavity optomechanics has achieved groundbreaking control and detection of mechanical oscillators, based on their coupling to linear electromagnetic modes. Recently, however, there is increasing interest in cavity nonlinearities as resource in radiation-pressure interacting system
Two-photon sideband interaction in a driven quantum Rabi model
Quantitative discussions with derived longitudinal drives and beyond the rotating wave approximation
In this paper, we analytically and numerically study the sideband interaction dynamics of the driven quantum Rabi model (QRM). We focus in particular on the conditions when the external transverse drive fields induce first-order sideband interactions. Inducing sideband interactio
Photon-pressure coupling between two superconducting circuits is a promising platform for investigating radiation-pressure coupling in distinct parameter regimes and for the development of radio-frequency (RF) quantum photonics and quantum-limited RF sensing. Here, we implement p
Quantum information processing requires fast manipulations of quantum systems in order to overcome dissipative effects. We propose a method to accelerate quantum dynamics and obtain a target state in a shorter time relative to unmodified dynamics, and apply the theory to a system
Observing quantum phenomena in macroscopic objects, and the potential discovery of a fundamental limit in the applicability of quantum mechanics, has been a central topic of modern experimental physics. Highly coherent and heavy micromechanical oscillators controlled by supercond
A Cooper-pair box qubit is used to squeeze the energy of a heavy oscillating membrane towards a quantum energy eigenstate, bringing measurements of how mass and quantum mechanics interplay one step closer.@en
Quantum control of electromagnetic fields was initially established in the optical domain and has been advanced to lower frequencies in the gigahertz range during the past decades extending quantum photonics to broader frequency regimes. In standard cryogenic systems, however, th
Nonlinear Josephson circuits play a crucial role in the growing landscape of quantum information and technologies. The typical circuits studied in this field consist of qubits, whose anharmonicity is much larger than their linewidth, and also of parametric amplifiers, which are e
QuCAT: Quantum circuit analyzer tool in python (New Journal of Physics (2020) 22 (013025) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab60f6)
In the published paper, the Hamiltonian featured in figure 2 was incorrect. The term EJ/(12h) should be EJ/(24h), as shown in the corrected figure in this corrigendum. Note that this error was simply typographic, and was never reflected in the QuCAT software. (Figure Presented).@
Driving quantum systems periodically in time plays an essential role in the coherent control of quantum states. The rotating-wave approximation (RWA) is a good approximation technique for weak and nearly resonance driven fields. However, these experiments sometimes require large
Attempting to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics is one of the great undertakings of contemporary physics. Here, the authors present how the incompatibility between the two theories arises in the simple thought experiment of preparing a heavy object in a quantum