F.E. Schmidt

5 records found

We have studied 1/f noise in critical current Ic in h-BN encapsulated monolayer graphene contacted by NbTiN electrodes. The sample is close to diffusive limit and the switching supercurrent with hysteresis at Dirac point amounts to ≃ 5 nA. The low frequency noise in th ...
We present the design, measurement, and analysis of a current sensor based on a process of Josephson parametric upconversion in a superconducting microwave cavity. When a coplanar waveguide is terminated with a nanobridge-constriction Josephson junction, we observe modulation sid ...
This thesis investigates fundamental properties of Josephson junctions embedded in microwave circuits, and an application arising from this hybrid approach. We used the versatility of superconducting coplanar DC bias cavities to extract previously inaccessible information on phas ...
In this report, we present nanoelectromechanical resonators fabricated with thin exfoliated crystals of a high-T c ...
Josephson junctions (JJ) are a fundamental component of microwave quantum circuits, such as tunable cavities, qubits, and parametric amplifiers. Recently developed encapsulated graphene JJs, with supercurrents extending over micron distance scales, have exciting potential applica ...