M.D. Jenkins Sanchez

4 records found

We present the design, measurement, and analysis of a current sensor based on a process of Josephson parametric upconversion in a superconducting microwave cavity. When a coplanar waveguide is terminated with a nanobridge-constriction Josephson junction, we observe modulation sid ...
Detecting weak radio-frequency electromagnetic fields plays a crucial role in a wide range of fields, from radio astronomy to nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. In quantum optics, the ultimate limit of a weak field is a single photon. Detecting and manipulating single photons at ...
We explore the superconducting phase diagram of the two-dimensional electron system at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface by monitoring the frequencies of the cavity modes of a coplanar waveguide resonator fabricated in the interface itself. We determine the phase diagram of the superco ...
Josephson junctions (JJ) are a fundamental component of microwave quantum circuits, such as tunable cavities, qubits, and parametric amplifiers. Recently developed encapsulated graphene JJs, with supercurrents extending over micron distance scales, have exciting potential applica ...