Micha Slegt

6 records found


Public value creation is traditionally considered as the citizens' collective expectations with respect to government and public services. Recent e-government literature indicates that what exactly constitutes public value in digital government is still debated. Whereas previous ...
In this paper we propose a high-level framework for Green Customs which links the policy developments related to circular economy (CE), to customs and related stakeholder groups, customs activities, and customs innovative capabilities. The framework allows customs to better under ...
Blockchain technology has emerged as new technology and governments are now exploring its potential for realizing value. In recent years, studies have focused on identifying opportunities and barriers of blockchain-based applications for government, and multiple piloting initiati ...

eCommerce, Brexit, new safety and security concerns are only a few examples of the challenges that government organisations, in particular customs administrations, face today when controlling goods crossing borders. To deal with the enormous volumes of trade customs administra ...

Our society is facing big challenges and public organizations have a key role in addressing these, as well as providing public funding for innovation. Many innovation projects however result in a proof-of-concept and deliver initial results but experience issues with upscaling ...

Big data and analytics have received a lot of attention in e-government research over the last decade and practitioners and researchers are looking into the transformative power of this technology to create for example competitive advantage, and increase transparency. Recent ...