Ben Van Rijnsoever
4 records found
Innovative Data Analytics, Data Sources, and Architecture for European Customs Risk Management
D8.8 Policy, Research and Standardization Recommendations
As an increasing volume of international trade activities around the world, the amount of cross-boarder import declarations grows rapidly, resulting in an unprecedented scale of potentially fraudulent transactions, in particular false commodity code (e.g., HS Code). The incorrect
Identifying the value of data analytics in the context of government supervision
Insights from the customs domain
eCommerce, Brexit, new safety and security concerns are only a few examples of the challenges that government organisations, in particular customs administrations, face today when controlling goods crossing borders. To deal with the enormous volumes of trade customs administratio
Big data and analytics have received a lot of attention in e-government
research over the last decade and practitioners and researchers are
looking into the transformative power of this technology to create for
example competitive advantage, and increase transparency. Recent