Frank Heijmann
7 records found
In this paper we propose a high-level framework for Green Customs which links the policy developments related to circular economy (CE), to customs and related stakeholder groups, customs activities, and customs innovative capabilities. The framework allows customs to better under
The international trade flow of e-commerce goods have reached unprecedented volumes. Ensuring undisrupted flow of cross-border eCommerce goods has become one of the top priorities for customs administrations around the world. Customs has a role in safeguarding public values such
Circular economy (CE) and sustainability are high on the political agenda of governments nationally and internationally. Governments are developing instruments to stimulate the CE, but without monitoring in place, these measures can be subject to abuse, failing to achieve the des
Circular economy and sustainability are high on the political agendas of governments. Governments, but also other actors like banks, insurance companies, and auditing firms play a key role in setting (regulatory) requirements, instruments and incentives, as well as monitoring mec
Innovative Data Analytics, Data Sources, and Architecture for European Customs Risk Management
D8.8 Policy, Research and Standardization Recommendations
The changing role of Customs
Customs aligning with supply chain and information management
The World Customs Organization (WCO) Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (SAFE) introduced concepts of supply chain supervision and authorised operator schemes. While it has been implemented in many countries, supply chain supervision still requires furth
Over the last few decades, businesses have developed sophisticated information systems that allow the capture of vast amounts of data. Such data can be potentially useful for enabling government authorities to improve their processes and services. For example, access to business