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A van Veen
Academic Work (7)
Journal article (7)
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7 records found
Study of colloidal quantum dot surfaces using an innovative thin-film positron 2D-ACAR method
Journal article (2006) -
Stephan W. H. Eijt (author)
A van Veen (author)
H. Schut (author)
P.E. Mijnarends (author)
AB Denison (author)
B Barbiellini (author)
A Bansil (author)
Amorphous-amorphous transition in glassy polymers subjected to cold rolling studied by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
Journal article (2005) -
D Cangialosi (author)
M Wübbenhorst (author)
H. Schut (author)
A van Veen (author)
S.J. Picken (author)
Size-dependent structure of CdSe nanoclusters formed after ion implantation in MgO
Journal article (2005) -
Marijn A. van Huis (author)
A van Veen (author)
H. Schut (author)
Stephan Eijt (author)
BJ Kooi (author)
ThM Hosson (author)
Conceptual design of a novel high frame rate fast-neutron radiography facility
Journal article (2005) -
VO de Haan (author)
THJJ van der Hagen (author)
A Federov (author)
A van Veen (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Adhesion behaviour of CrNx coatings on pre-treated metal substrates studied in situ by PBA and ESEM after annealing
Journal article (2005) -
R Escobar Galindo (author)
A van Veen (author)
H. Schut (author)
GCAM Janssen (author)
RB Hoy (author)
ThM Hosson (author)
Interface detection in poly-ethylene terepthalate-metal laminates using variable energy positron annihilation
Journal article (2005) -
R Escobar Galindo (author)
Henk Schut (author)
A van Veen (author)
R Rastogi (author)
WP Vellinga (author)
HEH Meijer (author)
A modified blister test to study the adhesion of thin coatings based on local helium ion implantation
Journal article (2005) -
R Escobar Galindo (author)
A van Veen (author)
JH Evans (author)
Henk Schut (author)
ThM Hosson (author)