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P.F.A. de Leege
Academic Work (52)
Book (2)
Conference paper (23)
Journal article (8)
Other (8)
Report (11)
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52 records found
Member NEA JEFF working group on Benchmark testing, date processing and eveluation, NJOY user's group
Other (2010) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Member NEA JEFF working group on Benchmark testing, date processing and evaluation, NJOY user's group
Other (2009) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Neutron activation of holmium poly)L-lactic acid) microspheres for hepatic arterial radioembolization: a validation study
Journal article (2009) -
MAD Vente (author)
JFW Nijsen (author)
R de Roos (author)
MJ van Steenbergen (author)
C.N.J. Kaaijk (author)
M.J.J. Koster-Ammerlaan (author)
PFA de Leege (author)
WE Hennink (author)
AD van het Schip (author)
GC Krijger (author)
Member NEA JEFF working group on Benchmark testing, date processing and evaluation, NJOY user's group
Other (2008) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Multigroup coupled neutron-gamma cross-section library for deterministic and Monte Carlo borehole-logging analysis
Journal article (2007) -
I Kodeli (author)
D Aldama (author)
PFA de Leege (author)
D Legrady (author)
JE Hoogenboom (author)
P Cowan (author)
Member NEA JEFF working group on Benchmark testing, date processing and evaluation, NJOY user's group
Other (2007) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
HOR HEU/LEU core conversion: 8 years of experience
Conference paper (2006) -
J.W. de Vries (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
HPM Gibcus (author)
Reactor physics aspects of low void fuel-phase 2, Final report, Contract No: 87055-04-0269, Rapport PNR-131-2005-001, March 2005
Report (2005) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
VA Khotylev (author)
Conceptual design of a novel high frame rate fast-neutron radiography facility
Journal article (2005) -
VO de Haan (author)
THJJ van der Hagen (author)
A Federov (author)
A van Veen (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Review van de HABOG Criticaliteits Analyse, PNR-131-2005-006, September 2005, vertrouwelijk. In opdracht van COVRA NV
Report (2005) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
HOR, criticality comparison using a nodal code, Monte Carlo codes and plant data
Conference paper (2004) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
F Reitsma (author)
Optimisation of fast-neutron radiography by use of a new imaging quality concept called Figure of Merit
Journal article (2004) -
T.H.J.J. van der Hagen (author)
VO de Haan (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Progress report: Contract No.: 87055-04-0269 Title: Reactor physics aspects of low void fuel - phase 2. Rapport IRI-131-2004-005.
Report (2004) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Monte Carlo calculation of the effects of delayed neutron precursor transport in molten salt reactors
Conference paper (2004) -
J Kópházi (author)
M Szieberth (author)
S Feher (author)
Sz Czifrus (author)
Gy Csom (author)
PFA de Leege (author)
Generation and performance of a multigroup coupled neutron-gamma cross-section library for deterministic and Monte Carlo borehole logging analysis
Conference paper (2004) -
I Kodeli (author)
D Aldama (author)
PFA de Leege (author)
D Legrady (author)
JE Hoogenboom (author)
P Cowan (author)
Upgrading the HOR: an upgrading study for the HOR
Conference paper (2003) -
HPM Gibcus (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
F. Labohm (author)
J.W. de Vries (author)
J Valko (author)
W Feltes (author)
J Heinecke (author)
Co-chair session T2-1 Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Safety (ICNC2003), Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 20-24 October 2003
Other (2003) -
P.F.A. de Leege (author)
Options for the Delft advanced neutron source
Conference paper (2003) -
HPM Gibcus (author)
PFA de Leege (author)
F. Labohm (author)
J.W. de Vries (author)
A.H.M. Verkooijen (author)
J Valko (author)
W Feltes (author)
J Heinecke (author)
MCNP based calculation of reactivity loss due to fuel circulation in molten salt reactors
Conference paper (2003) -
J Kophazi (author)
M Szieberth (author)
S Feher (author)
Sz Czifrus (author)
PFA de Leege (author)
MCNP based calculation of reactivity loss in circulating fuel reactors
Conference paper (2003) -
J. Kophazi (author)
M Szieberth (author)
S Feher (author)
Gy Csom (author)
P.F.A. de Leege (author)