14 records found
Scouting the feasibility of Monte Carlo reactor dynamics simulations
Multigroup coupled neutron-gamma cross-section library for deterministic and Monte Carlo borehole-logging analysis
Application of adjoint Monte Carlo to accelerate simulations of mono-directional beams in radiotherapy treatment planning for Boron Neutron Capture
A critical review of the weight window generator in MCNP
Improved Monte Carlo Methods with application to borehole logging simulations
Monte Carlo midway forward-adjoint coupling with legendre polynomials for borehole logging applications
Generation and performance of a multigroup coupled neutron-gamma cross-section library for deterministic and Monte Carlo borehole logging analysis
Visualization of space-dependency of responses of Monte Carlo calculations using legendre polynomials
Feasibility of an adjoint Monte Carlo pulse height spectrum calculation
Report on the investigation of the possibilities to detect the presence or absence of a Boron containing filter cake in a borehole (Rapport IRI-131-2002-002)
Coupling of forward and adjoint Monte Carlo calculations for continuous energy by next-event estimation
Voordracht IRI-wetenschapsdag 20 maart 2001
The time dependent Monte Carlo midway method for application to borehole logging