10 records found
Toward prompt gamma spectrometry for monitoring boron distributions during extra corporal treatment of liver metastases by boron neutron capture therapy: A Monte Carlo simulation study
Selectively induced death of macrophages in the synovial lining of murine knee joints using 10B-liposomes and boron neutron capture synovectomy
Application of adjoint Monte Carlo to accelerate simulations of mono-directional beams in radiotherapy treatment planning for Boron Neutron Capture
Optimisation of treatment planning for multi-beam Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) using epthermal neutron beams in patients with multiple metastases to the brain from malignant melanoma
Design of a rotating facility for extracorporal treatment of an explanted liver with disseminated metastases by Boron Neutron Capture Therapy with an epithermal neutron beam
Extra-corporal treatment of liver metastases by BNCT at the HFR Petten
Determination of the neutron capture sensitivity of ionisation chambers based on neutron capture reaction rates
Feasibility study for the extra-corporal treatment of liver cancer by BNCT at the HFR Petten
Calculating the tumour-specific optimal source neutron energy for boron neutron capture therapy with particle production and adjoint Monte Carlo techniques
Forward and adjoint Monte Carlo calculations for investigating the use of an adjustable filter in BNCT