Xiaodi Hao

27 records found

Understanding the ionic hydrogel-forming property of extracellular polymeric substances

Differences in lipopolysaccharides between flocculent and granular sludge

An interesting and potential property of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) is the hydrogel formation with calcium ions. Aiming at understanding the significant difference in the hydrogel formed between EPS from flocculent and granular sludge, a targeted investigation of th ...
The ongoing paradigm shift in sewage management from pollution control to resource recovery is an integral part of a circular economy. Efforts have traditionally concentrated on the recovery of organic carbon as bioenergy, and nitrogen and phosphorus as nutrients. In the past dec ...
Over the past decade, a significant amount of research work on extracellular polymeric substances has been done on the “alginate-like exopolysaccharides” (ALE, also called “alginate-like exopolymers”). The term was used based on the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) biopoly ...
Wet-chemical approach is widely applied for phosphate recovery from incinerated ash of waste activated sludge (WAS), along with metals removed/recovered. The high contents of both aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) in WAS-incinerated ash should be suitable for producing coagulants with ...
A high moisture content of waste activated sludge (WAS) associated with a low calorific value needs to be deeply dried towards self-supporting incineration. On the other hand, thermal energy with low temperature exchanged from treated effluent has great potential for drying sludg ...
摘要: 好氧颗粒污泥技术具有占地面积小、能耗低、剩余污泥量少、抗冲击性强等优点,是
为2.5 m3)反应器中进行好氧颗粒污泥培养,研究了颗粒污泥在低温条件下的稳定性。中试自夏季
开始运行到次年春季结束,共计运行260 d。结果表明,采用我国实际低碳源市政污水可以培养出好
氧颗粒污泥,污泥颗粒化程度可达94%,SVI5/SVI30为1.1 ~ 1.3。冬季低温会造成颗粒污泥的枝状结
构增多、丝状菌生长,进而引起颗粒化比例略有下降, ...
Alginate like extracellular polymers (ALE) recovered from flocculent sludge has been identified as a kind of highly valuable biomaterials. However, the extraction protocols limit the production of biopolymers as ALE extracted from flocculent sludge is at a lower level, around 90– ...
Sludge incineration and seawater desalination are two approaches that can be used in the disposal of waste activated sludge (WAS) and for obtaining fresh water. As resource recovery from wastewater treatment and water purification is a topic of particular interest in these times, ...

Making Waves

A sea change in treating wastewater – Why thermodynamics supports resource recovery and recycling

Entropy is a concept defined by the second law of thermodynamics. Applying this concept to the world we live in, entropy production must be minimized and negentropy (negative entropy production) should be accelerated, in order to produce a healthy and stable ecological system. Th ...
Alginate like extracellular polymers (ALE) recovered from excess sludge have been evaluated as an eco-friendly, cost effective and sustainable alternative to highly valued materials. However, the ALE extraction from flocculent sludge ranges normally from 90 to 190 mg/g VSS, which ...
As a product of phosphorous recovery from anaerobic digestion (AD) of waste activated sludge (WAS), vivianite has received increasing attention. However, key factors controlling vivianite formation have not yet been fully addressed. Thus, this study was initiated to ascertain key ...
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are biopolymers that can be recovered from excess sludge, which could contribute to a more sustainable wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operation. An example is alginate like extracellular polymers (ALE) contained in the biopolymers could ...

突发新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)已蔓延至全球几乎所有国家,累计确诊病例已超过1亿例。这一全球大流行病尽管现阶段在我国多点散发,但已得到基本控制,由于不容乐观的全球疫情扩散,依然存在疫情反弹之巨大风险。在新冠疫苗实现大规模接种之前,COVID-19暴发有效预警机制依然是最需要的技术手段。鉴于感染者粪便/尿液中存在病毒粒子或遗传物质核糖核酸(RNA),荷兰学者提出了基于污水流行病学(WBE)监控SARS-CoV-2(诱发COVID-19的病毒)出现并传播的设想。目前,污水中SARS-CoV-2有限RNA检测研究结果已经证明了这一技术作为疫情 ...
地下式污水处理厂建设近年在我国兴起,且有扩展之势。地下污水厂地表可形成的景观环境直观、易觉,这就使污水处理厂可与景观环境建设合二为一的说法盛行。反观更加缺地的欧洲、日本等地,地下式污水处理厂其实并不多见,让人不免心生疑窦。因此,有必要通过一些方法对地下式污水处理厂进行综合影响评价,以揭示其综合效益之优劣。以国内某全地下式污水处理厂为研究实例,并以相同工艺的地上式污水处理厂作为对比参照物,通过全生命周期环境影响评价(LCIA)、全生命周期成本(LCC)评价及全生命周期生态效益(LCEE)评价3种方法分别对地下式污水处理厂进行全方位影响评价,最后将3种评价结 ...
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an effective approach to recovering chemical (organic) energy from excess sludge, but the conversion efficiency for energy is usually not very high. One of the obstacles comes from the severe inhibition of humic acid (HA) on both hydrolytic and methano ...

Sustainable disposal of excess sludge

Incineration without anaerobic digestion

Handling excess sludge produced by wastewater treatment is a common problem worldwide. Due to limited space available in landfills, as well as difficulties involved in using excess sludge in agriculture, there is a need for alternative disposal methods. Although anaerobic digesti ...
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a sustainable pathway towards recovering chemical energy from excess sludge, and humic substances (HSs) contained in sludge can inhibit energy (methane/CH ...
Conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) clean wastewater and minimize water pollution; but, while doing so, they also contribute to air pollution and need energy/material input with associated emissions. However, energy recovery (e.g. anaerobic digestion) and resource re ...
In dealing with wastewater, chemical energy has traditionally been perceived as the only source of recoverable energy in moving towards the carbon-neutral operation of wastewater treatment plants. Based on an estimation of practically recoverable energy embedded in municipal wast ...
Inhibition by humic substances (HSs) on anaerobic digestion of excess activated sludge is one of the limitations for converting more organics into biogas. In order to counteract the inhibition from HSs, the present study was initiated to understand the dynamic changes (content an ...