Ranbin Liu

8 records found

Making Waves

A sea change in treating wastewater – Why thermodynamics supports resource recovery and recycling

Entropy is a concept defined by the second law of thermodynamics. Applying this concept to the world we live in, entropy production must be minimized and negentropy (negative entropy production) should be accelerated, in order to produce a healthy and stable ecological system. Th ...
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an effective approach to recovering chemical (organic) energy from excess sludge, but the conversion efficiency for energy is usually not very high. One of the obstacles comes from the severe inhibition of humic acid (HA) on both hydrolytic and methano ...
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a technology for recovering chemical energy as methane from excess sludge/waste. Unfortunately, humic acids (HA) contained in excess sludge can have the effects of inhibiting the efficiency of energy conversion. Based on a batch experiment, the impact ...
In dealing with wastewater, chemical energy has traditionally been perceived as the only source of recoverable energy in moving towards the carbon-neutral operation of wastewater treatment plants. Based on an estimation of practically recoverable energy embedded in municipal wast ...
Conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) clean wastewater and minimize water pollution; but, while doing so, they also contribute to air pollution and need energy/material input with associated emissions. However, energy recovery (e.g. anaerobic digestion) and resource re ...
Inhibition by humic substances (HSs) on anaerobic digestion of excess activated sludge is one of the limitations for converting more organics into biogas. In order to counteract the inhibition from HSs, the present study was initiated to understand the dynamic changes (content an ...
Methane (CH4) recovery from excess sludge plays an important role in wastewater treatment aimed at achieving carbon neutrality. Besides pretreatment for excess sludge, exogenous CO2and even H2have already been tested in enhancing CH4pro ...