R. Broekhoven
4 records found
Certifying quantum entanglement is a critical step toward realizing quantum-coherent applications. In this work, we show that entanglement of spins can be unambiguously evidenced in a scanning tunneling microscope with electron spin resonance by exploiting the fact that entangled
The nuclear spin, being much more isolated from the environment than its electronic counterpart, presents opportunities for quantum experiments with prolonged coherence times. Electron spin resonance (ESR) combined with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) provides a bottom-up pl
Atomically engineered artificial lattices are a useful tool for simulating complex quantum phenomena, but have so far been limited to the study of Hamiltonians where electron-electron interactions do not play a role. However, it is precisely the regime in which these interactions
Full insight into the dynamics of a coupled quantum system depends on the ability to follow the effect of a local excitation in real-time. Here, we trace the free coherent evolution of a pair of coupled atomic spins by means of scanning tunneling microscopy. Rather than using mic