D. Coffey Blanco
5 records found
Atomically engineered artificial lattices are a useful tool for simulating complex quantum phenomena, but have so far been limited to the study of Hamiltonians where electron-electron interactions do not play a role. However, it is precisely the regime in which these interactions
Full insight into the dynamics of a coupled quantum system depends on the ability to follow the effect of a local excitation in real-time. Here, we trace the free coherent evolution of a pair of coupled atomic spins by means of scanning tunneling microscopy. Rather than using mic
The orbital angular moment of magnetic atoms adsorbed on surfaces is often quenched as a result of an anisotropic crystal field. Due to spin-orbit coupling, what remains of the orbital moment typically delineates the orientation of the electron spin. These two effects limit the s
Atomic spin structures assembled by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) provide valuable insight into the understanding of atomic-scale magnetism. Among the major challenges are the detection and subsequent read-out of ultrafast spin dynamics due to a dichotomy in travel
We present controlled growth of c(2 × 2)N islands on the (100) surface of Cu3Au, which can be used as an insulating surface template for manipulation of magnetic adatoms. Compared to the commonly used Cu(100)/c(2 × 2)N surface, where island sizes do not exceed several