S. Roeser

100 records found

Emotions, Risk, and Responsibility

Emotions, Values, and Responsible Innovation of Risky Technologies

Risky technologies such as biotechnology, energy technologies, and digital technologies are frequently highly controversial. While such technologies can contribute to people’s well-being, they can also create social disruption. The latter requires approaches for decision-making o ...

How Engineers Can Care from a Distance

Promoting Moral Sensitivity in Engineering Ethics Education

Moral (or ethical) sensitivity is widely viewed as a foundational learning goal in engineering ethics education. We have argued in this paper is that this view of moral sensitivity cannot be readily transported from the nursing context to the engineering context on the basis of a ...
It is often suggested that social media is a hostile environment for critical thinking and that a major source for epistemic problems concerning social media is that it facilitates emotions. We argue that emotions per se are not the source of the epistemic problems concerning soc ...
In this chapter, we review and expand on the current ethical research on Human–Robot Collaboration in industrial settings. To date, the ethical issues discussed include: job loss, reorganization of labour, informed consent and data collection, user-involvement in design, hierarch ...
Emotions may play an important role in how citizens respond to public policies, and energy policies in particular. Yet, little insights exist into causes of those emotions. This study investigates ethical concerns as the basis of emotions. We test whether people perceive an unequ ...
In most countries, including the Netherlands, decision-making about the COVID-19 policy measures was initially based on medical information, and only later did it also include insights from social sciences. However, ethical implications of COVID-19 policy measures have not freque ...

How to Teach Engineering Ethics?

A Retrospective and Prospective Sketch of TU Delft’s Approach to Engineering Ethics Education

This paper provides a retrospective and prospective overview of TU Delft’s approach to engineering ethics education. For over twenty years, the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section at TU Delft has been at the forefront of engineering ethics education, offering education to ...
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Technology [AAC Tech] is a relatively young, multidisciplinary field aimed at developing technologies for people who are unable to use their natural speaking voice due to congenital or acquired disability. In this paper, we take a look a ...

TU Delft Gedragscode

Waarom Wat Wie Hoe

De gedragscode geeft richting aan alle leden van de TU Delft-gemeenschap, door aan te geven wat de beste manieren zijn om te handelen, te reageren op mogelijke integriteitskwesties, en respectvol met elkaar, onze wereld en het milieu om te gaan.@en

Responsible innovation of nuclear energy technologies

Social experiments, intergenerational justice and emotions

In this chapter, we argue for broadening the approach of responsible innovation in two respects. First, we contend that responsible innovation should be seen as an ongoing process that continues after the initial development of a new technology; it comprises a technology’s use, i ...
The Code of Conduct gives direction to all members of the TU Delft community on how to act, how to respond to integrity-related issues, and how to maintain a high level of respect for each other, for our world and for the environment.@en

Emotions and Digital Well-Being

The Rationalistic Bias of Social Media Design in Online Deliberations

In this chapter we argue that emotions are mediated in an incomplete way in online social media because of the heavy reliance on textual messages which fosters a rationalistic bias and an inclination towards less nuanced emotional expressions. This incompleteness can happen eithe ...

The Complexity of Autonomy

A Consideration of the Impacts of Care Robots on the Autonomy of Elderly Care Receivers

Elderly care receivers are extensively and profoundly affected by interacting with care robots. This paper focuses on autonomy as a core value in elderly care and demonstrates its complexity. Few studies have been able to address this complexity in elderly care in the robot era. ...

Emotions, values and technology

Illuminating the blind spots

Responsible innovation and ethics of technology increasingly take emotions into consideration. Yet, there are still some crucial aspects of emotions that have not been addressed in the literature. In order to close this gap, we introduce these neglected aspects and discusses thei ...
This chapter discusses the notions of feeling, assessment, and experience. The question arises what the relation and relevance of these notions is in the context of luck, risk, and uncertainty. The chapter explores this by examining the role of emotions for our assessment and exp ...

Geoengineering the climate and ethical challenges

What we can learn from moral emotions and art

Climate change is an urgent problem, requiring ways and approaches to address it. Possible solutions are mitigation, adaptation and deployment of geoengineering. In this article we argue that geoengineering gives rise to ethical challenges of its own. Reflecting on these ethical ...
In this chapter, we discuss the evolution of the field of ‘ethics of nuclear energy’, regarding its past, present and future. We will first review the history of this field in the previous four decades, focusing on new and emerging challenges of nuclear energy production and wast ...
In this article, we discuss the importance of emotions for ethical reflection on technological developments, as well as the role that art can play in this. We review literature that argues that emotions can and should play an important role in the assessment and acceptance of tec ...