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37 records found


While resilience is a major concept in development, climate adaptation, and related do-mains, many doubts remain about how to interpret this term, its relationship with closely overlap-ping terms, or its normativity. One major view is that, while resilience originally was a de ...

Humans, machines and decisions

Clinical reasoning in the age of artificial intelligence, evidence-based medicine and Covid-19

The Code of Conduct gives direction to all members of the TU Delft community on how to act, how to respond to integrity-related issues, and how to maintain a high level of respect for each other, for our world and for the environment.@en

TU Delft Gedragscode

Waarom Wat Wie Hoe

De gedragscode geeft richting aan alle leden van de TU Delft-gemeenschap, door aan te geven wat de beste manieren zijn om te handelen, te reageren op mogelijke integriteitskwesties, en respectvol met elkaar, onze wereld en het milieu om te gaan.@en
This chapter looks at one of the key problems experienced by practitioners of medicine today, especially in large or public institutions, which is how to handle guidelines. Public management approaches to medicine tend to promote guidelines as rules to follow, and clinicians ofte ...


Causehealth recommendations for making causal evidence clinically relevant and informed

From the philosophical perspective presented in the first part of this book, together with the clinical application of this framework in the second part, it follows that we must change the way we approach causal evidence of health and illness conceptually, methodologically and ...

From the early days of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), luck has played the role of an antagonist to responsibility: responsible innovation is, in part, an effort to control for the possible negative effects of luck–the chance that chance itself will take our technol ...

Measuring social resilience

Trade-offs, challenges and opportunities for indicator models in transforming societies

More than any other facet of resilience, social resilience raises the inherent tension within the concept between identity or persistence, and transformation. Is a community the people who make it up, or the geography or physical infrastructure they share? What about the resil ...


Why is philosophy relevant for clinical practice?

This book is intended as an intellectual resource for clinicians and healthcare professionals who are interested in digging deeper into the philosophical foundations of their daily practice. It is a tool for understanding some of the philosophical motivations and rationality b ...

Designing Systems for Informed Resilience Engineering’ (DeSIRE) is an extensive interdisciplinary research programme that shapes the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU RE Centre) and builds its capacity. Our understanding of resilience goes beyond robustness of infrastruc ...

There is now broad agreement that ideas like person-centred care, patient expertise and shared decision-making are no longer peripheral to health discourse, fine ideals or merely desirable additions to sound, scientific clinical practice. Rather, their incorporation into our t ...

Pharmacovigilance as Scientific Discovery

An Argument for Trans-Disciplinarity

Pharmacovigilance currently faces several unsolved challenges. Of particular importance are issues concerning how to ascertain, collect, confirm, and communicate the best evidence to assist the clinical choice for individual patients. Here, we propose that these practical chal ...

‘Serendipity’ is a category used to describe discoveries in science that occur at the intersection of chance and wisdom. In this paper, I argue for understanding serendipity in science as an emergent property of scientific discovery, describing an oblique relationship between the ...
The rapid dominance of evidence-based medicine has sparked a philosophical debate concerning the concept of evidence. We urge that evidence-based medicine, if it is to be practised in accordance with its own mandate, should also acknowledge the importance of understanding causal ...
In Oxford, UK, on the 3rd and 4th of October 2017, the CauseHealth group held a conference to tackle what they called “guidelines challenges.” New approaches to evidence and medical knowledge, as well as how to use that knowledge in practice, present specific challenges for curre ...
Something important is happening in applied, interdisciplinary research, particularly in the field of applied health research. The vast array of papers in this edition are evidence of a broad change in thinking across an impressive range of practice and academic areas. The proble ...
This paper describes and offers a corrective for problematic implications of classic paradigms of serendipitous discovery in science, such as the narrative that Fleming discovered penicillin. As usually told, an individual (Fleming) makes an isolated observation by chance (of mou ...


Rethinking causality, complexity and evidence for the unique patient

A causehealth resource for healthcare professionals and the clinical encounter

This open access book is a unique resource for health professionals who are interested in understanding the philosophical foundations of their daily practice. It provides tools for untangling the motivations and rationality behind the way medicine and healthcare is studied, ev ...

Influence of collaboration on the management of BIM-based construction projects

An analysis of the perspectives of project team members

The AEC industry has shown a slower development when compared to other industries, this has aroused interest among researchers to help the industry achieve its objectives. As a result, one important contribution to the industry has been proven to be the encouragement of effective ...
Developed market multinational enterprises (DMNEs) and emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) can serve developed and emerging markets via a strategic alliance, encouraging reverse innovation. The objective of this study is to identify an alliance strategy and alliance ...