D. Eeltink

5 records found

Correct prediction of particle transport by surface waves is crucial in many practical applications such as search and rescue or salvage operations and pollution tracking and clean-up efforts. Recent results by Deike et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 829, 2017, pp. 364–391) and Pizzo ...
Wave breaking is the main mechanism that dissipates energy from ocean waves by wind. Its effects on the frequency spectrum cause a downshift of the spectral peak and dissipation of the total energy of the spectrum. Various reduced-form wave breaking models have been developed to ...
Wave breaking is the main mechanism that dissipates energy input into ocean waves by wind and transferred across the spectrum by nonlinearity. It determines the properties of a sea state and plays a crucial role in ocean-atmosphere interaction, ocean pollution, and rogue waves. O ...
One of the promising platforms for creating Majorana bound states is a hybrid nanostructureconsisting of a semiconducting nanowire covered by a superconductor. We analyze the previouslydisregarded role of electrostatic interaction in these devices. Our main result is that Coulomb ...