N. Kovacsova
14 records found
PC-based hazard anticipation training for experienced cyclists
Design and evaluation
Research shows that the ability to anticipate safety-critical situations is predictive of safe performance in traffic. Thus far, hazard anticipation training has been developed mainly for car drivers. These training programs may not be appropriate for cyclists who are exposed to
Two-wheeler vehicles (i.e., bicycles, mopeds, and motorcycles) are becoming increasingly popular in congested cities because of their small dimensions, low cost of use compared to cars, and their contribution to a healthy lifestyle. Even though the use of two-wheelers offers bene
Emergency braking at intersections
A motion-base motorcycle simulator study
Powered two-wheeler riders are frequently involved in crashes at intersections because an approaching car driver fails to give right of way. This simulator study aimed to investigate how riders perform an emergency braking maneuver in response to an oncoming car and, second, whet
Introduction: Many bicycle–car crashes are caused by the fact that the driver fails to give right of way to the cyclist. Although the car driver is to blame, the cyclist may have been able to prevent the crash by anticipating the safety-critical event and slowing-down. This study
Cycling Skill Inventory
Assessment of motor–tactical skills and safety motives
Objective: It is well established within the traffic psychology literature that a distinction can be made between driving skill and driving style. The majority of self-report questionnaires have been developed for car drivers, whereas only limited knowledge exists on the riding s
Hazard anticipation skills are crucial for safe performance in traffic. Most hazard anticipation training programs have been developed for car drivers [1]. Traffic situations used in these programs may not be appropriate for cyclists because cyclists are subjected to specific typ
Cyclists’ eye movements and crossing judgments at uncontrolled intersections
An eye-tracking study using animated video clips
Research indicates that crashes between a cyclist and a car often occur even when the cyclist must have seen the approaching car, suggesting the importance of hazard anticipation skills. This study aimed to analyze cyclists’ eye movements and crossing judgments while approaching
In the Netherlands, 30% of fatal crashes between 2010 and 2015 involved a cyclist [1], with a large portion of these crashes occurring at intersections in urban areas. Contributing factors to driver-cyclist collisions at intersections are not only inadequate visual search, but al
Riding performance on a conventional bicycle and a pedelec in low speed exercises
Objective and subjective evaluation of middle-aged and older persons
This study investigated cycling performance of middle-aged (30–45 years old; n = 30) versus older (65+ years; n = 31) participants during low-speed tasks for which stabilization skills are known to be important. Additionally, participants’ self-ratings of their cycling skills and
How science informs engineering, education, and enforcement
A message for driving instructors
The aim of this chapter is to illustrate to driving instructors how science contributes to cumulative knowledge on road safety. We do this by reviewing a scientific study for each of the three classical Es of road safety: (1) education, (2) enforcement, and (3) engineering.
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