Emergency braking at intersections

A motion-base motorcycle simulator study

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Powered two-wheeler riders are frequently involved in crashes at intersections because an approaching car driver fails to give right of way. This simulator study aimed to investigate how riders perform an emergency braking maneuver in response to an oncoming car and, second, whether longitudinal motion cues provided by a motion platform influence riders' braking performance. Twelve riders approached a four-way intersection at the same time as an oncoming car. We manipulated the car's direction of travel, speed profile, and its indicator light. The results showed that the more dangerous the situation (safe, near-miss, impending-crash), the more likely riders were to initiate braking. Although riders braked in the majority of trials when the car crossed their path, they were often unsuccessful in avoiding a collision with the car. No statistically significant differences were found in riders' initiation of braking and braking style between the motion and no-motion simulator configurations.


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