P. Sun

11 records found


Network robustness describes a network's ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of failures and challenges to normal operation. Unfortunately, failures of networks, such as power outages in power systems, congestions in transportation networks, ...
Network recoverability refers to the ability of a network to recover to a desired performance level after suffering topological perturbations such as link failures. The minimum number of driver nodes is a typical metric to denote the network controllability. In this paper, we pro ...

This paper presents machine learning based approximations for the minimum number of driver nodes needed for structural controllability of networks under link-based random and targeted attacks. We compare our approximations with existing analytical approximations and show that ...

Optical networks are vulnerable to failures due to targeted attacks or large-scale disasters. The recoverability of optical networks refers to the ability of an optical network to return to a desired performance level after suffering topological perturbations such as link failure ...

In this paper, we propose closed-form analytic approximations for the number of controllable nodes in sparse communication networks from the aspect of network controllability, considering link-based random attack, targeted attack, as well as random attack under the protection ...

In this paper, we propose closed-form analytic approximations for the minimum number of driver nodes needed to fully control networks, where links are removed according to both random and targeted attacks. Our approximations rely on the concept of critical links. A link is called ...

Network recoverability refers to the ability of a network to return to a desired performance level after suffering malicious attacks or random failures. This paper proposes a general topological approach and recoverability indicators to measure the network recoverability in tw ...

The diversified system requirements have been continuously growing to drive the development of a variety of new package styles. Wafer-Level Packaging (WLP) technology has drawn attention with its thinner package due to the removal of substrate and thus higher performance. With ...


We are living in a connected world and failures can occur anywhere at any time probabilistically. In this thesis, we consider networked systems whose links are perfectly reliable and nodes are subject to failure. The probability of a network subjecting to failure to remain connec ...
Network recoverability refers to the ability of a network to return to a desired
performance level after suffering malicious attacks or random failures. A system is controllable if it can be driven from any arbitrary state to any desired state in finite time under the control ...
Networks are all around us, telecommunication networks, road transportation networks, and the Internet are a few examples of networks that we encounter every day. The entities in a network are represented by nodes and the interconnections between them are represented by links. Fo ...