R.E. Kooij
91 records found
Evaluating the performance of quantum devices is an important step towards scaling quantum devices and eventually using them in practice. The great number of available quantum metrics and the different hardware technologies used to develop quantum computers complicate this evalua
Cloud-native technologies are widely considered the ideal candidates for the future of vertical application development due to their boost in flexibility, scalability, and especially cost efficiency. Since multi-site support is paramount for 5G, we employ a multi-cluster model th
We introduce two new methods for approximating the all-terminal reliability of undirected graphs. First, we introduce an edge removal process: remove edges at random, one at a time, until the graph becomes disconnected. We show that the expected number of edges thus removed is eq
Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are critical infrastructures that ensure a continuous supply of safe water to homes. In the face of challenges, like water scarcity, establishing resilient networks is imperative, especially in regions vulnerable to water crises. This study eval
In 2009, Shao et al. (Phys Rev Lett 103(1):018701, 2009) introduced the Non-consensus opinion (NCO) model, which allows different opinions to coexist in the steady state. We propose a mean-field-based dynamical model for the NCO model on networks with low degree correlation, whic
We propose an analytical approach to approximate the average two-Terminal reliability (ATT R) for graphs where a fraction of the nodes is removed. The approximation is based on the generating function of the network's degree distribution under random node removals and stochastic
In this paper we investigate the controller placement problem on networks using controller reachability as the network performance metric. This metric is defined as the probability that each node can reach at least one controller, given that each link is operational with a fixed
The effective graph resistance, also known as the Kirchhoff index, is metric that is used to quantify the robustness of a network. We show that the optimisation problem of minimizing the effective graph resistance of a graph by adding a fixed number of links, is NP-hard.@en
Network controllability is a critical attribute of dynamic networked systems. Investigating methods to restore network controllability after network degradation is crucial for enhancing system resilience. In this study, we develop an analytical method based on degree distribution
For this study, we investigated efficient strategies for the recovery of individual links in power grids governed by the direct current (DC) power flow model, under random link failures. Our primary objective was to explore the efficacy of recovering failed links based solely on
We present a mechanical model for an oscillator with one degree of freedom under the influence of a flowing medium. Under fairly general conditions we show that the ensuing differential equation has at most two limit cycles and we give examples where exactly two limit cycles will
The total effective resistance, also called the Kirchhoff index, provides a robustness measure for a graph G. We consider two optimization problems of adding k new edges to G such that the resulting graph has minimal total effective resistance (i.e., is most robust)—one where the
Network controllability and its robustness has been widely studied. However, analytical methods to calculate network controllability with respect to node removals are currently lacking. This paper develops methods, based upon generating functions for the in- and out-degree distri
Network controllability and its robustness have been widely studied. However, analytical methods to calculate network controllability with respect to node in- and out-degree targeted removals are currently lacking. This paper develops methods, based on generating functions for th
In this paper we study encounter-based density estimation using different random walks and analyse the effects of the step-size on the convergence of the density approximation. Furthermore, we analyse different types of random walks, namely, a uniform random walk, with every posi
Author Correction
Transition from simple to complex contagion in collective decision-making (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (1442), 10.1038/s41467-022-28958-6)
The original version of this Article contained an error in the Abstract, which incorrectly read: ‘Here, we show theoretically, and experimentally with a multi-robot system, that such a transition from simple to complex contagion can also bed observed in an archetypal model of dis
Edge security in smart inverters
Physical invariants based approach
The endeavour towards making power distribution systems (PDSs) smarter has made the interdependence on communication network indispensable. Further, prospective high penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources in the form of distributed energy resources (DERs) has result
In this article, we propose closed-form analytical expressions to determine the minimum number of driver nodes that is needed to control a specific class of networks. We consider swarm signalling networks with regular out-degree distribution where a fraction $p$ of the links is u
The total effective resistance, also called the Kirchhoff index, provides a robustness measure for a graph G. We consider the optimization problem of adding k new edges to G such that the resulting graph has minimal total effective resistance (i. e., is most robust). The total ef
How does the spread of behavior affect consensus-based collective decision-making among animals, humans or swarming robots? In prior research, such propagation of behavior on social networks has been found to exhibit a transition from simple contagion—i.e, based on pairwise inter