Circular Image

75 records found


This paper proposes a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for cyclist path prediction to learn the effect of contextual cues on the behavior directly in an end- to-end approach, removing the need for any annotations. The proposed RNN incorporates three distinct contextual cues: one re ...

Instance stixels

Segmenting and grouping stixels into objects

State-of-the-art stixel methods fuse dense stereo and semantic class information, e.g. from a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), into a compact representation of driveable space, obstacles, and background. However, they do not explicitly differentiate instances within the same c ...
We present a novel open-source tool for extrinsic calibration of radar, camera and lidar. Unlike currently available offerings, our tool facilitates joint extrinsic calibration of all three sensing modalities on multiple measurements. Furthermore, our calibration target design ex ...


A large-scale Driver Head Pose Benchmark

We introduce DD-Pose, the Daimler TU Delft Driver Head Pose Benchmark, a large-scale and diverse benchmark for image-based head pose estimation and driver analysis. It contains 330k measurements from multiple cameras acquired by an in-car setup during naturalistic drives. Large o ...
We learn motion models for cyclist path prediction on real-world tracks obtained from a moving vehicle, and propose to exploit the local road topology to obtain better predictive distributions. The tracks are extracted from the Tsinghua-Daimler Cyclist Benchmark for cyclist detec ...
Extensive research interest has been focused on protecting vulnerable road users in recent years, particularly pedestrians and cyclists, due to their attributes of vulnerability. However, comparatively little effort has been spent on detecting pedestrian and cyclist together, par ...

We present a novel non-parametric Bayesian model to jointly discover the dynamics of low-level actions and high-level behaviors of tracked objects. In our approach, actions capture both linear, low-level object dynamics, and an additional spatial distribution on where the dyna ...

This paper presents a smart surveillance system named CASSANDRA, aimed at detecting instances of aggressive human behavior in public environments. A distinguishing aspect of CASSANDRA is the exploitation of complementary audio and video cues to disambiguate scene activity in r ...

We propose a novel method for keeping track of multiple objects in provided regions of interest, i.e. object detections, specifically in cases where a single object results in multiple co-occurring detections (e.g. when objects exhibit unusual size or pose) or a single detection ...

We present a probabilistic framework for the joint estimation of pedestrian head and body orientation from a mobile stereo vision platform. For both head and body parts, we convert the responses of a set of orientation-specific detectors into a (continuous) probability density ...

We present a novel Dynamic Bayesian Network for pedestrian path prediction in the intelligent vehicle domain. The model incorporates the pedestrian situational awareness, situation criticality and spatial layout of the environment as latent states on top of a Switching Linear ...

Accurate motion models are key to many tasks in the intelligent vehicle domain, but simple Linear Dynamics (e.g. Kalman filtering) do not exploit the spatio-temporal context of motion. We present a method to learn Switching Linear Dynamics of object tracks observed from within ...

We present an approach for the joint probabilistic estimation of pedestrian head and body orientation in the context of intelligent vehicles. For both, head and body, we convert the output of a set of orientation-specific detectors into a full (continuous) probability density ...

We present a novel non-parametric Bayesian model to jointly discover the dynamics of low-level actions and high-level behaviors of tracked people in open environments. Our model represents behaviors as Markov chains of actions which capture high-level temporal dynamics. Action ...


Cross-modal person re-identification is the task to re-identify a person which was sensedin a first modality, like in visible light (RGB), in a second modality, like depth. Therefore, the challenge is to sense between inputs from separate modalities, without information from both ...
This work presents a multi-sensor approach for weather condition estimation in automated vehicles. Using combined data from weather sensors (barometer, hygrometer, etc) and an in-vehicle camera, a machine learning and computer vision framework is employed to estimate the current ...
Object detection is one of the most important research topics in autonomous vehicles. The detection systems of autonomous vehicles nowadays are mostly image-based ones which detect target objects in the images. Although image-based detectors can provide a rather accurate 2D posit ...
This work explores the possibility of incorporating depth information into a deep neural network to improve accuracy of RGB instance segmentation. The baseline of this work is semantic instance segmentation with discriminative loss function.The baseline work proposes a novel disc ...
In this thesis, a pipeline is created consisting of two parts. In the first part, the moving objects (cars, cyclists, pedestrians) are detected in street-view imagery using image segmentation neural networks and a LIDAR-based moving object detection approach. In the second part, ...