J.F.M. Domhof

5 records found

We address joint extrinsic calibration of lidar, camera and radar sensors. To simplify calibration, we propose a single calibration target design for all three modalities, and implement our approach in an open-source tool with bindings to Robot Operating System (ROS). Our tool fe ...
We present a novel open-source tool for extrinsic calibration of radar, camera and lidar. Unlike currently available offerings, our tool facilitates joint extrinsic calibration of all three sensing modalities on multiple measurements. Furthermore, our calibration target design ex ...
This paper proposes a quality of service multi-sensor bootstrap filter for automated driving that deals with time-varying or state dependent conditions. In this way, the reliability of the sensor data fusion system is continuously evaluated in order to detect potentially dangerou ...
This paper presents a systematic approach to evaluate the tracking performance limits for different sensor modalities (lidar, radar and vision) and for combination of these sensors modalities. The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is used to predict the tracking performance limits fo ...