C.M. Gartner

5 records found

Studying the interplay between multiple coupled mechanical resonators is a promising new direction in the field of optomechanics. Understanding the dynamics of the interaction can lead to rich new effects, such as enhanced coupling and multi-body physics. In particular, multi-res ...
Conversion between signals in the microwave and optical domains is of great interest both for classical telecommunication and for connecting future superconducting quantum computers into a global quantum network. For quantum applications, the conversion has to be efficient, as we ...
We fabricate photonic crystal SiN membranes with reflectivity > 99.9% at 1550 nm. These form a platform for studying arrays of mechanical oscillators inside optical cavities, which can potentially reach strong single-photon optomechanical coupling.@en
Multielement cavity optomechanics constitutes a direction to observe novel effects with mechanical resonators. Several exciting ideas include superradiance, increased optomechanical coupling, and quantum effects between distinct mechanical modes among others. Realizing these expe ...