61 records found


For What It's Worth

Humans Overwrite Their Economic Self-interest to Avoid Bargaining With AI Systems

As algorithms are increasingly augmenting and substituting human decision-making, understanding how the introduction of computational agents changes the fundamentals of human behavior becomes vital. This pertains to not only users, but also those parties who face the consequen ...

Quality control is essential for creating extractive question answering (EQA) datasets via crowdsourcing. Aggregation across answers, i.e. word spans within passages annotated, by different crowd workers is one major focus for ensuring its quality. However, crowd workers cannot r ...

Contextual ranking models have delivered impressive performance improvements over classical models in the document ranking task. However, these highly over-parameterized models tend to be data-hungry and require large amounts of data even for fine tuning. This paper proposes a ...

BERT Rankers are Brittle

A Study using Adversarial Document Perturbations

Contextual ranking models based on BERT are now well established for a wide range of passage and document ranking tasks. However, the robustness of BERT-based ranking models under adversarial inputs is under-explored. In this paper, we argue that BERT-rankers are not immune to ...


A Model Risk Assessment Assistant Based on Sparse Generated Counterfactuals

We introduce SparCAssist, a general-purpose risk assessment tool for the machine learning models trained for language tasks. It evaluates models' risk by inspecting their behavior on counterfactuals, namely out-of-distribution instances generated based on the given data instan ...

There has been significant progress in unsupervised network representation learning (UNRL) approaches over graphs recently with flexible random-walk approaches, new optimization objectives, and deep architectures. However, there is no common ground for systematic comparison of ...

We propose a novel approach for learning node representations in directed graphs, which maintains separate views or embedding spaces for the two distinct node roles induced by the directionality of the edges. We argue that the previous approaches either fail to encode the edge ...

The extraction of main content from web pages is an important task for numerous applications, ranging from usability aspects, like reader views for news articles in web browsers, to information retrieval or natural language processing. Existing approaches are lacking as they r ...

Hash tables are ubiquitous in computer science for efficient access to large datasets. However, there is always a need for approaches that offer compact memory utilisation without substantial degradation of lookup performance. Cuckoo hashing is an efficient technique of creati ...


Learning to Rank is the application of Machine Learning in order to create and optimize ranking functions. Most Learning to Rank methods follow a listwise approach and optimize a listwise loss function which closely resembles the same metric used in the evaluation. Popular listwi ...
Deficiencies in online communication software inspired the HoloLearn project that proposes to aid hybrid education via a hologram. Yet the epistemic and psychological effects of this medium remain largely uncharted. To help integrate the hologram into a hybrid education system, t ...
Distance learning brings all sorts of advantages. The ability to follow lectures at home can save people transportation costs and time. Teaching through videoconferencing software such as Zoom is one of the methods to learn remotely. To explore new and better teaching methods, th ...
This study examines the effects of holograms when used for online learning. The research question is: "How does a holographic teacher projection affect engagement of the students with the learning material?". The engagement of students was compared in different lectures. The base ...
This study aims to examine the implications of bringing holographic projections – based on the TU Delft’s project ”HoloLearn” – into VR environment. With the spiked interest in remote communication caused by COVID-19, the demand for more immersive virtual conference software grow ...
Using open-source packages when developing software applications is the general practice among a vast amount of software developers. However, importing open-source code which may depend on other existing technologies may lead to the appearance of a transitive dependency chain. As ...
In (open-source) development, developers routinely rely on other libraries to improve their coding efficiency by reusing code. This reliance on other packages could cause issues when critical dependencies have suddenly have a vulnerability introduced to them. This work analyzes t ...
The main principle of Open Source development is that developers can reuse different libraries over and over again to make their lives easier. That is why this practice has gained a lot of popularity. However, libraries usually depend on other already existing pieces of code. Thi ...